He has a bear in his heart

Kamryn 2022-04-22 07:01:10

When I was watching the movie, I was thinking about the literal translation of "The legend of the fall", and it was not until I watched it that I realized that this is the legend of Tristan's life and a legendary fall. Some say that he killed Lone Star and that all his loved ones left him, so when his silent brother was in his arms, he cursed God. He left, wandering the world, following the wildness and debauchery in his heart. At this time, he should be the true self that belongs to him. So when he came back, he married Isabel instead of the beautiful flower. His life, from cutting off the bear claw to the end of the bear's bare-handed fight, was his wild life, taming the mare, war, wandering, life, revenge, not within the rules, but he put past the bear. The old leader said: When man and beast bleed each other's blood, they become one. He is a man with a bear in his heart. There is a line in the movie: People always have a voice in their hearts, and they work and rest according to this voice. This person is either crazy or becomes a legend.

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Legends of the Fall quotes

  • Alfred: Susannah, you deserve to be happy.

  • Susannah: Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it. I write it only for myself. And so I will hide it away along with all the things left unsaid and undone between us.