Wedding is a girl's dream, your own wedding is a dream come true

Adolphus 2022-04-23 07:01:52

Every woman has a wedding dream. Wedding is the summary of love and the beginning of married life. She also likes to attend the wedding and be touched by the love of others. I am very envious of Jenny helping others organize weddings and she likes this job from the bottom of her heart. She is a good old person who can do everything to make people feel safe and will not refuse, but she seldom thinks about herself. I am grateful that someone discovered her good She is a baby.

Loving someone is not just catering to and daring to refuse, but only by showing your true self can you get true love. Don't be deceived even when you don't have love, let yourself be a better version of yourself, flowers are fragrant and butterflies come spontaneously.

If you love someone, you can't say it, and you have been suppressing it and finally found that it was not what you wanted, and wasted waiting.

All the things we do and all the sacrifices are worth it. We don't have to expect anything in return, but we were moved at some point when we saw that the bride who was a bridesmaid was wearing her bridesmaid dress to attend her wedding. I cried. Wet eyes.

Also, don't judge other people's lives easily. Even people who are very familiar have a side that we don't know.

Don't give others what we think is particularly rich love, and finally touch yourself, but the other party does not get what they need to experience.

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