
Miles 2022-04-22 07:01:17

The movie I watched on Cathay Pacific from Melbourne to Hong Kong took 9 hours. This movie is my favorite style.
I'm used to not using headphones, so I didn't listen to this movie from beginning to end. I watched it with my eyes.
Now it's a bit My memory is blurred, I don't think such a good-looking and excellent heroine will be chased, and I do
n't think the male boss she has had a crush on for many years will be so simple and single. Maybe this is the movie because it's unrealistic. The
heroine likes weddings. So I've been a bridesmaid, but I can't wait for the day I get married. I
adore the editor in the newspaper. I write romantic stories related to the wedding. I met the editor by accident, but I don't like him.
Sometimes love is like this. You have your own preferences. The frame of the person will also fall in love with the frame who is completely different from the frame. In the
end, they entered the marriage
. Besides, her sister is selfish and arrogant. Women hate her
. I told a lot of my sister's problems, which caused them to cancel the wedding
. I don't know who would dare to do this in real life, and my sister also "returned to the right".
Sometimes God is such a sensible person, and he has to take care of many people, but in disguise he is even more bullied
. The more ignorant people are, the happier they are. Maybe you can only understand when you lose the moment, but is it too late?
I hope I don't become that sensible her, but she is ignorant. To face the lost day,
every girl has a longing for a wedding. Since childhood, she was brainwashed by fairy tales. I think in the future, our children should watch less
of these weddings. You should educate dreamy girls
in fairy tales, they will be happier if they don't expect them in fairy tales

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27 Dresses quotes

  • Jane's Aunt: Must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.

    Jane: Yes. Then I remember that I still get to have hot hate sex with random strangers and I feel SO much better!

  • Jane: You would rather hang out with Italian models than come with me to my *awesome* work party?