The world will kiss you, time will give you the answer

Jimmie 2022-04-22 07:01:17

This typical American light comedy involves self-selection, emotional attitude and so on.

"27 dresses" refers to the 27 bridesmaid dresses of the heroine (sister Jane) - yes, she has attended 27 weddings, but she is still alone.
Jane believed in true love and marriage. It seemed to her that these words were sacred and charming, but it was difficult for her to muster the courage to confess to her long-time crush.
She just enthusiastically helps friends organize weddings, try wedding dresses, choose dishes, order cakes... Her life seems to be weddings besides work.
Of course, it's always someone else's wedding.
This was noticed by the keen male protagonist and poked into her heart: "You would rather pay attention to the wonderful moments of others than create a memory of your own."

In reality, some people do like to focus on nothing to do with themselves . Relationship matters, especially the happiness or success of those around you.
Maybe in the eyes of this kind of person, by paying attention to others, they can make other people's stories part of their own life, and even full of fantasies and no reason to feel that their future will be better.
This lack of action and meaningless fantasies may make you slightly intoxicated at some point, but once the wind and rain come - even a gentle drizzle, everything will be restored to its original state.
This behavior seems understandable and seems to be human instinct.
But in the final analysis, this outward release of attention stems from a personal inner predicament.
Therefore, instead of being enthusiastic about other people's affairs, watching other people's lives, and trying to find their own shadow from others, it is better to accept and change yourself bravely.
No matter how beautiful everything is about others, it is not only someone else’s after all, but also can only become your short-term focus.
Don't let yourself feel bored and empty afterwards.

Jane did not dare to express her intentions at first, perhaps because she was afraid of being rejected, and that her fiery enthusiasm would be splashed out by ice water. Later, I didn't dare to express my thoughts, but it was to fulfill the happiness of my sister and my sweetheart.
Maybe everyone has had such an uneasy moment: there is a person who shines in your heart, but you only dare to live around it carefully and be a loyal and secret audience.
This avoids the embarrassment of failing to confess, but of course it also avoids the possibility of succeeding.
But more important than all of this is that as long as you don't open your mouth, this person can always be in your heart, stay and be beautiful.

This person will be plated with gold because of your thoughts and thoughts, and a meaningless action and eyes can be regarded as full of friendship by you. And these thoughts will become a wide and infinitely long, elegant and clear veil that covers you, wraps you around, circles and layers, making you spin briskly and dizzy involuntarily.
So you ignore two points for granted:
(1) The person you fall in love with is probably just the person you imagined.
(2) A person is not the same as a friend (the current ta) and as a boyfriend/girlfriend (the ta after getting along).
Subconsciously, you are very clear that you understand this, so you don't want to pierce that fragile layer of window paper, and you don't want to break the thin and wonderful golden light.
That's why a crush is always the best.

With two kisses, the heroine dramatically realized that the boss she had a crush on for a long time was not her favorite. In the end, I chose someone who was not so satisfying at first glance, but who could make me happy.
In reality, it is not so easy to recognize a person.
You need to get along, understand, communicate, and run in for a long time. In the process, you constantly change yourself and each other. You will spend a lot of time, energy, financial resources, and feelings in exchange for an ending that you don't know if there will be a result.

But please believe that the magical thing of love is worth doing.
It is not like the family relationship that is always maintained by blood and often spans generations. Although a long-term separation will not make it worse, it is always watched by family members or watched by family members away, and life and death can easily become it. Theme of.
It is not like a low-threshold, wide-ranging friendship, sometimes achieved by just one encounter and one coincidence. It includes not only people who have only a few ties, but also confidants who can live and die together.
And love is probably both friendship and family, but it has the biggest difference from the above two kinds of feelings - uniqueness. The wonder of it is that two people who are not related by blood can be so closely connected that they are qualified to spend a long life with each other. Even if relatives die and friends are estranged, it is fortunate to have a lover to accompany you, and your love is stronger than Jin Jian.
I think the deep-seated reason why love has become a theme that has been celebrated and enduring in various art forms for thousands of years is probably here.

So, for its charming magic, when you face feelings, please don't be too selfish, don't be afraid of failure, and don't be afraid of being hurt.
Rest assured, the world will kiss you.
And time will give you the answer.

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27 Dresses quotes

  • Jane's Aunt: Must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.

    Jane: Yes. Then I remember that I still get to have hot hate sex with random strangers and I feel SO much better!

  • Jane: You would rather hang out with Italian models than come with me to my *awesome* work party?