vulgar but beautiful fairy tales

Nels 2022-04-19 09:01:47

Pooh once said that if the beginning of a TV series is love, then the ending will inevitably be sad and ups and downs. If it begins with resentment, the ending will inevitably be joyous. Only with such a start and turn can fill the long eight o'clock file. This theorem also applies here.

The kind Jane is keen to plan weddings and make wedding dresses for others; hides her passionate love for George, sacrificing herself to work and his life; plays the role of mother for a long time, taking good care of her sister Tess, and even for the people she loves Preparing for a wedding with Tess, seeing his cherished wedding dresses and wedding designs being "stolen" by Tess one by one, still can't learn to say no, or meet his reasonable or selfish requirements one by one.

Since it is the eight o'clock idea, although Tess has a great appearance, it is embarrassing to show its original shape, and the wedding that she thought was perfect was cancelled; and Jane finally mustered the courage to express her love in her heart, but found that he was not. Her true love, look back to find the Kevin who made her heart. Jane, who has acted in so many bridesmaids, finally had her own wedding, and smiled sweetly with her love Kevin.

Because it is a fairy tale, although it is vulgar, it is the happiness and beauty that ordinary people really pursue. The screenwriter didn't let Jane be like Hao Sijia in "Gone with the Wind". When he realized that his true love was not the Wei Xili who was adored as an idol, it broke Brad's heart and he left in disappointment. After many years of wrong love, I always have to waste some time and waste some years to figure out some things. It is always the hardest for us to see ourselves clearly, but we cannot predict the cost of those past pasts.

Jane once asked Kevin what part of the wedding he liked the most, and was delighted to find that both liked the bride stepping into the auditorium, everyone turned to pay attention to the bride, and she was engrossed in staring at her lover with a face full of love and trust. Everyone believed that it was the beginning of a happy life for the prince and princess.

If possible, I want my wedding to be held in a small old and dilapidated castle in France. In the bloody setting sun, I said to the groom, I am willing. If, when I stepped out of the castle, a shooting star crossed the sky, I would make an oath to the shooting star again, and let them be buried in a corner of the world with stardust, I will remember it forever, no matter how it changes.

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  • Jane's Aunt: Must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.

    Jane: Yes. Then I remember that I still get to have hot hate sex with random strangers and I feel SO much better!

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