windy woman

Jessyca 2022-04-22 07:01:09

The beginning is a bit boring: a sea of ​​rot filled with sand, ugly gas masks, and a depressing scene. . . . So much so that when I was young, I didn't watch it many times when I was impatient. After all, it is considered a masterpiece by a master, and the brush strokes are still immature. Compared with the exquisite, gorgeous, magnificent and complicated later in "Spirited Away", this piece is brightly colored and meticulously simple.

But the content style of the master was established, and Nausicaa was the predecessor of the later "Princess Mononoke". The wild girl that the master is used to shaping - watching her in a blue short skirt, long boots, and short red hair, running on the ground, jumping in the jungle, soaring in the sky, flying in the wind, like a wild horse , as swift as a bird. . . My heart brightened. Yes, I really like this heroine so much, I am so envious of her freedom. She is the daughter of the Valley of the Wind, a woman like the wind.

I like her agile operation of the glider, how she caresses the king bug larvae with love, how she fearlessly stands in front of the attacking king bug swarm in order to protect the people, and her surprised childlike expression when she sees Master Yuba . In my eyes she is almost the perfect image: kind, free, brave, wise, innocent. I like her even more than Mononoke, the latter is heavier than her, and Nausicaa in the animation is brighter and purer. But "Princess Mononoke" is more far-reaching and richer.

The subject matter of the master has always been the subject of my admiration and love: war, environmental protection, and exploration of human existence. A collection of science fiction and fantasy. Rich imagination constructs a strange world system. Humans, animals, plants, and biological species coexist in a competitive manner. The theme is grand and the realm is high, but it does not directly instill preaching, but penetrates into people's hearts from the inside with a deep demeanor and the power to awaken human nature.

In "Nausicaa", it is the insect population that fights against humans. The king bug - a creature with fourteen eyes that turns red when angry is one of them. The rotten sea actually has the function of purifying human pollution and cannot be burned. The bottom layer of the rotten sea has purified water and air. The king bug is the creature that guards the rotten sea. I like the setting - the water is not polluted, the wind is not polluted, it is the soil that is really polluted. Watered by well water drawn from clean soil, the spores no longer release toxic miasma and produce beautiful flowers.

The most powerful part of the master is that he paints the ugly and disgusting image in a magnanimous and delicate way. Although it is uncomfortable to look at, he can't help but watch it. For example, Wang Zongshui, as well as the soulless boar god in "Princess Mononoke", the unicorn beast with its head cut off, and the dirty river god in "Spirited Away". . . . . .

I saw Avatar before watching "The Valley of the Wind", so I had an epiphany more than once when I watched "Wind": No wonder everyone said that there was a shadow of "Wind" in Avatar. The most impressive thing is that Dorumecia is stationed in the Valley of the Wind, and the battleships and cargo planes are like dark clouds, which is exactly the same as the lens of the earthlings invading Name; the spore plants that disperse the magical planktonic seeds, and the shiny plankton in Avatar are also similar. The beautiful forest in Avatar is also a complex of mountain forests in "Nausicaa" and "Princess Mononoke".

It is said that the manga of "Nausicaa" (full 7 volumes) is better looking than the anime, albeit darker. What attracted me was the following introduction:

"...witness the endless killing and bloodshed, the devastation of life by the ruthless war and the displacement of the helpless people; In addition, he frantically launched a brutal war to slaughter the same kind..." The

animation was only rewritten from the first volume, and a lot of violent and bloody pictures were cut due to the release. After downloading the manga, I went to see the only manga work by Master Miyazaki.

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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind quotes

  • Nausicaä: [Trying to calm a wild Teto] There's nothing to fear...

    [tries to pet him, but he bites her and holds on, growling]

    Nausicaä: [winces, but says calmly] There's nothing to fear...

    [He calms and releases his bite and begins to lick it]

  • Nausicaä: It's so beautiful. It's hard to believe these spores could kill me.