It's a shame that this film can be released before shen.

Viviane 2022-04-23 07:01:59

To be honest, if the plot of Sanya is removed, I will give at least three stars. Although the first half is not particularly exciting, it is still passable as a popcorn movie. But with the Sanya plot, this film is not worth a single star. As a Chinese, I feel a great humiliation. It's really sickening that it can pass the trial. Those warrior wolves who shouted "even if they are far away" have all eaten their farts. . .

Before Sanya appeared, the plot was at least normal. Until the megalodon swam all the way to the shallow sea of ​​Sanya, and even came ashore. . . This is obviously to hang up our guo defense and fight! Oh no, there is no defense at all! ! ! It is clear that we have no protection measures for the territory and waters of Sanya, let alone any early warning and preventive capabilities? If it's other remote places, it's fine. With so many people in Sanya, how can it be justified?

After the incident, our only response was to dispatch a few helicopters. If you look closely, you can see that they are mainly journalists with cameras on their shoulders (these almost useless helicopters are also very obtrusive, blocking the sky and the sea. The way of a powerful male protagonist has become a cannon fodder, not to mention a troublesome character). . . ha? What about guo defense? ? ? They're all at your door! ! ! Can the people of Sanya sit still after watching this kind of drama? ? ?

I am a person with a big brain. Of course, I have tried to find excuses for the motherland: "Maybe I don't want to take pictures to expose our military strength?" This is somewhat reasonable, but it does not mean everything. It didn't come out like a silly-13, right? If it is said that there is no early warning ability for creatures, then even if it is not a megalodon, an ordinary shark is enough for people at sea to eat a pot. Suppose it is replaced by an enemy nuclear submarine, Sanya is directly laughing and laughing in gg? ? ? Don't have a thermal energy detector either? What about satellites? ? ?

As for the director's shooting of tourists playing by the seaside in Sanya with no sense of beauty, low to extreme, it is a trivial matter in comparison. . . I don't know why Sanya specifically named it, and it didn't do any positive publicity at all.

In short, the film gave me the feeling that the director believes that "Chinese people who can speak English are people with IQ, and the rest are garbage". And "sanya is at least half dead without a powerful protagonist to save, so don't kneel down to express thanks."

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The Meg quotes

  • Suyin: This is what attacked us. A megalodon.

    DJ: How big is that thing?

    Suyin: Between 70 and 90 feet, 21 to 27 meters. The megalodon was the largest shark that ever existed. It feared nothing. it had no predators. it's jaws were stronger than any other animal, ever. The meg could bite a whale in half, crushing through the bones.

    Dr. Minway Zhang: We are in uncharted territory. Until today, megalodons were thought to have been extinct for over 2 million years.

    DJ: Wrong.

    Jaxx: A living fossil.

    The Wall: That living fossil ate my friend.

  • Jonas Taylor: Hey, I mean no offense, Dr. Zhang. I mean, if there was two people on this planet that could get me back into the water, it's probably you two. But you can't. You're gonna tell me your problem and I'll say no. You're going to offer me money. I'll still say no. You're gonna appeal to my better nature and I'm gonna say no. Because I don't have one.