Ethan Ethan

Annetta 2022-04-24 06:01:01

The actor of "Beautiful Creatures" finally showed a small face in the first trailer. Although there is a slight discrepancy with the Ethan in my mind, but fortunately, he is not far away. As a loyal fan of "Beautiful Creatures", I have passed this level. Remember that Alden Ellenrich in "Tetrow" is like Leonardo DiCaprio’s younger brother, when he smiles like Jack Nicholson, and in some cases he even looks extremely Matt Damon. Personally, this man feels a bit like Leonardo DiCaprio when he was young. Looking forward to the movie's release in China soon!

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Beautiful Creatures quotes

  • Amma: Casters have been fighting alongside mortals for centuries, every war, every side. Just because they're supernatural don't make them any smarter.

  • Ethan Wate: You know what I can't figure is, you go to Church every Sunday. How do you believe in all this and still believe in God?

    Amma: God created all things, didn't he? It's only men who go and decide which ones are mistakes.