Jeremy Irons, the supporting diamond in "Beautiful Creatures"

Allene 2022-04-24 06:01:01

It took a long time to finally finish reading this "Youth Magical Love" novel that occupies the top of Amazon's bestseller list. The love between the mortal and the witch did not touch my strong heart as expected, but the death of Uncle Marken at the end of the novel really made me sad. Please forgive me for not finding the point again. For a person who likes Hua Fei in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", likes Watson in "Detective Sherlock Holmes", and likes Hua Shao in "The Voice of China", but watching "The Beautiful Life" Falling in love with Jeremy Irons, the diamond supporting actor, is nothing more than normal. Speaking of the reason, I may slightly reveal the plot here. If you mind, please take a detour! Rena's family members are divided into three types: light wizards, dark wizards and dark demon spirits. Sarah Finn and Ledley are dark wizards. Grandma, Larkin, Lyle, Lace and Aunt Dai are light wizards, and McCann Ray is the only dark demon in the family. All the light wizards in the dark wizard family will die if Lena chooses to become. If she chooses to become a wizard of light, all dark wizards and demon spirits in the family will die. it is good! The paving is complete. Uncle McCann knew that Lena wanted to transform into a wizard of light. In order to protect Lena and the whole family, he chose to sacrifice himself. Just like the name of the movie, I think Uncle McCann is the most beautiful creature. This kind of selfless family affection is easier to touch the most vulnerable corners of our hearts than lingering love.

Let me introduce Uncle McCann himself, Jeremy Irons (September 19, 1948), nicknamed "King", height: 6 feet 1 and a half inches (feet) or 1.87 meters, is a senior British film and television actors. He is the hottest golden supporting actor in Hollywood today and has played many classic roles. I still remember when I watched the 1997 version of "Lolita", the most unforgettable thing in the whole film was the look in his eyes when he saw Lolita. His small eyes, mixed with sadness and madness, have a mysterious temperament that is unique to the British. My heart aches. You may not be familiar with him, but you can probably recall the voice of Uncle Scar in The Lion King! Yes, that voice is also a masterpiece of Jeremy Irons.

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Beautiful Creatures quotes

  • Amma: Casters have been fighting alongside mortals for centuries, every war, every side. Just because they're supernatural don't make them any smarter.

  • Ethan Wate: You know what I can't figure is, you go to Church every Sunday. How do you believe in all this and still believe in God?

    Amma: God created all things, didn't he? It's only men who go and decide which ones are mistakes.