city ​​of silence

Haylie 2022-04-21 09:01:56

A sentimental and meaningful story.

The story is good, and the two lines are described very smoothly, but the filming is too simple. It can show more wars in the Middle East and the things behind the wars. It can also show the past of some Canadian immigrants or the comparison between different countries, because this The story itself is an introduction, leading us to see the world.

There is a little doubt that the mother gave birth to a son, went to study, looked for the child, and went to prison. Being old, a teenager can indeed be a sniper, an interrogator, and a rapist.

Interestingly, two time-space lines and three-way people finally converged, but it was such an ending.


The mother fell in love with the refugees, and her lover was shot by the family. She promised her grandma to go to school by herself. Grandma helped to mark the child and sent it to the orphanage. Religious and ethnic elements died and hated religious and ethnic extremists. He joined a militia to assassinate Christian militia leaders and was imprisoned. He did not yield in prison to resist fear and torture by singing.

After she was released from prison, the militia leader sent her to the United States (Canada) with her two children. She was a kind-hearted secretary of Lebe for more than ten years. She accidentally found the child's mark in the swimming pool. His interrogator is the father of his two children.

Three letters of last words from the hospital bed, please ask the notary Lebey.

Link to the beginning of the video...

Eldest son:

In the childhood orphanage, after the militia bombed the orphanage, they were trained to join the war. They couldn’t find their mother. They murdered crazy and became a war madman. They wanted to become a terrorist attacker. "In inventing various things to kill people in order to attract the attention of their mothers to find their own junior high school students psychologically), became a sniper who brutally killed, was captured by the enemy and then trained as an interrogator to torture prisoners, becoming a feared and cruel interrogator , tortured and raped female prisoners during interrogation.

More than ten years later...(Immigrate to Canada?)

One day a man and a woman found him and gave him two letters, one signed "to father" and one signed "to son"...


We follow the twins into the world...

From the beginning of deeply complaining about the mother (it is easy to understand the complicated psychology of the mother and the two children in the life), to slowly understanding the mother's story, and finally knowing his own life experience.

——Silence no longer exists——At first, I thought that the twins, especially the younger brother, would refuse to face their brother and father, who was also a mother and torturer, but I didn’t expect it to be completed quietly in silence—— Living in a scorched earth city requires being able to face everything in silence.

As if living in the city of God, you have to face everything with insensitivity.

Separation is therefore, assemblage is therefore, even birth is therefore.

Is this a ring of hatred? Or the ring of love?

We don't want this kind of hatred, we don't want this kind of love (this sentence is superfluous in writing)

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Incendies quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Notary Jean Lebel: [after making a promise] To a notary, Mr. Marwan, a promise is a sacred thing.

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