The story begins with the "evil" in human nature

Danielle 2022-04-20 09:01:40

Dennis Villeneuve's ten-year-old film bears a resemblance to the recent war-themed film "Sicario." In terms of video style, Dennis Villeneuve used a repressed and restrained video style and picture rhythm to go deeper into the hearts of the characters , and used an objective perspective to immerse us in the story and think about the fate of the protagonist.

Personally, I feel that Villeneuve, from "Border Killer" to "Scorched Earth City", does not seem to show his political prejudice too much. It seems that it is difficult to judge his film themes with right or wrong. In the torrent of fate, he captured a complex and complex individual to compose the characteristics of the times. So the angle is also more macro and complex.

Going back to Scorched Earth, the film begins when people in a country go to war between different genres due to their different beliefs. Muslim and Christian. The protagonist is also not immune to being involved in this tragedy. The story begins when he has an affair with a man from another sect, which is a serious shame in the eyes of the whole village, and his family kills him. his lover, his brother even wanted to kill his sister. A fanatical religious sect whose beliefs are firm and terrifying. The genre and genre began to fight each other, and the tragedy began when the heroine gave birth to her first son.

The heroine was imprisoned for the assassination of a right-wing Christian leader. In prison, she endured severe torture and regained her hope of life through her singing. In one experience of abuse, he was questioned by a notorious questioner, whose name I don't remember. The heroine was raped. And got pregnant and gave birth to twins in prison, the twins who are now looking for their father and brother.

The daughter of the heroine learned about this during the process of looking for her father and brother. Due to mental pressure, he found her brother and searched with her. In the process of looking for his brother, he learned that it was his brother who raped his mother, and the father of the twins was also the father who raped his mother.

At the end of the film, the twins hand over their mother's relic to their older brother who is also their father. The mother also forgave his eldest son at the end.

At the end of the film, the heroine's eldest son looked at his mother's grave with his hands down. Just like the original subtitles of the film, his heart was on fire.

This tragedy has arisen because of differences in beliefs, and this is the fate of people in this era. Humans, who could have lived in peace, dragged living people into the dark vortex because of endless disputes and conflicts.

As a digression, such as the recent epidemic, the relationship between countries is complicated, and the relationship between countries is like between people. There is a cold or hot war in the country, which is equivalent to apathy and fighting between people. From a higher perspective, this kind of behavior of human beings is extremely naive, and people could have been friendly to each other and fulfilled each other. But the "evil" in people's hearts prompts this kind of tragedies to repeat, until human beings have higher wisdom!

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