If religion is the source of war...

Ford 2022-04-19 09:01:49

At the beginning of the three-picture movie, what Jane's teacher said to her, he knew that such a thing would be unacceptable to anyone for a while, so when Jane was a little evasive about it, the teacher said the words in the picture.

In fact, when Simon said to Jane at the end that "one plus one sometimes doesn't equal two", I didn't understand what it meant, it wasn't that I didn't understand it, even though the truth had come to light when the movie was here. It wasn't until the movie was closed that I suddenly realized, "Oh, the truth is so cruel..."

Posting the synopsis of the movie in case I forget the plot later...


However, after hearing the contents of the will, the twins' hearts have been unable to calm down, because in addition to their own will, the siblings got two envelopes - these are the other two wills. One was for their father, who had been dead for many years in the hearts of the siblings; the other was for Naval's third child, Naval's eldest son, but his sister The younger brothers never knew of the existence of this older brother. Faced with such a complex will and shocking family network, sister Jenny suddenly understands her mother's reticence and reticence in the weeks before her death. It's not that the old man is in a bad mood, but that there is still a history in her heart that she can't let go of. Knowing this, Jenny immediately took a flight to the Middle East, where she was looking for clues about the family—including her brother and her father. For many years, such a world and these two people have never existed in their lives. What can she find in this search trip? However, in Simon's eyes, this is just a "sequelae" of her mother's death, a "game of intelligence and searching" she left to the living. He didn't want to care about his mother's past and family history at all. In his opinion, as long as a living person can manage his own life well, it is the greatest comfort to his mother. But in the face of his sister, who has been with him since childhood, Simon also embarked on a flight to the Middle East. Together with his sister, he wants to find his life experience in that strange land, and find a place that has never been discovered in the hometown of his relatives of the previous generation. And know Naval. With the help of notary Jean, Simon and Jenny piece together the story of their mother in the Middle East: Naval was born in a Christian family in the South Middle East, and Naval as a girl fell in love with a stranger and had a child . But in the Middle East, getting pregnant out of wedlock is a shame. So, several of Naval's brothers killed her lover. Later, Naval gave birth to a baby boy. Before the child was sent to the orphanage, Nawal's grandmother left a three-dot tattoo on the child's ankle as a mark, in the hope that the mother and child would be able to recognize each other in the future. In her hometown, Navarr is already a notorious woman, she has no way to continue to stay here, even after many years, her children have no way to find their mother here. In desperation, Naval came to the northeast of the Middle East to study. Soon, the religious conflict between Christians and Muslims in the area escalated, and Narwal ventured to visit when he learned that his son's orphanage had been attacked. Along the way, she saw the burning, killing and looting of Christian militiamen. In order to find her child sooner, she concealed her Christian identity and boarded a Muslim refugee bus. By the time she arrived at the orphanage, the orphanage had been burned to ashes by Christian militiamen, and her own child was unknown. Nawal joins a southern Muslim militia in order to avenge his own children. She was then placed as a tutor in the home of an enemy Christian leader. After gaining the trust of the other party, Naval successfully assassinated the leader. Then, she was thrown into prison. In prison, Naval was tortured inhumanly, but she never gave in. To keep his head down, a jailer raped her and made her pregnant. Jenny and Simon were children born at that time. And the jailer who raped her was her first child with three tattoos. It turned out that when his first child was born, the midwife took the child away and sent it to an orphanage. After the war, the orphanage was destroyed, and a warlord adopted all the children and trained them as soldiers. Her child was later arrested, put in the same prison as his mother and became a jailer (this is not clearly stated). After being released from prison, Navarre immigrated to Quebec, Canada, with the help of an organization she once served. The siblings grew up in a civilized world, ignorant of their mother's past, history, and courage. In Simon's eyes, the mother is an indifferent person. The day her mother fell ill, she was swimming in the pool. When I looked up, I saw a lot of people's calves, one of them had an unforgettable three-dot tattoo on Nawal's ankle. She climbed ashore and shakily walked into the crowd. The owner of the ankle turned around, and that face overwhelmed Naval's heart. Later, Naval fell ill, and after making several wills, he died suddenly...

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Incendies quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Notary Jean Lebel: [after making a promise] To a notary, Mr. Marwan, a promise is a sacred thing.

  • Simon Marwan: One plus one, does it make one?