Nice indian no song and dance movie

Rowan 2022-01-03 08:02:05

In Hollywood-style suspense films, the narrative process is very common.
A lie said that the front would become true. The heroine insisted on looking for her husband. Although everyone said that they had never seen this person, the police leader believed it and planned to use her, but was used.
The fledgling little policeman fell in love with the pregnant woman goddess and did a lot for her, so it is said that men in love are the most obedient.
As a suspense film "Fearless Heart" certainly does not need to carry too much political satire, but the sense of humor as a sporadic embellishment is almost always just right. The jokes in the police station and the surprise and scolding by a group of junk on the computer have become a kind mockery of the state machinery. No one will have a bad impression of the Indian police after watching this film, even if they are disrespectful to the police and therefore have the audience’s interest. Coming to the conclusion that the Indian police are incompetent, do you think this will really have any impact on the world? Will it exceed the frustration of people caused by a violent demolition or a flood of waste?
There are a lot of religious ceremonies and festival celebrations in the film. At this time, the camera is aimed at ordinary people full of peace and power. Their piety has become the best embellishment when the film is full of suspense. I don’t know that the filming is using real activities. Those who came to organize the actors still showed out a scene of lifelike super-large scenes. Of course, all the religious images are in line with the intention of the work. The powerful state machinery and the unpleasant terrorist activities are inconsistent with the spiritual conversion of individuals. This is also one of the common senses that mankind has tempered for thousands of years.
. "Fearless Heart" has been destroying your sleeper from the very beginning, creating suspense in the plot, making people suspicious, but at the same time unable to find a true and reliable answer. While you are guessing the ultimate cause of the suspense, you continue to keep on To deny yourself, in the end you can only watch the storyline and can’t wait. Sudden changes in plots, such as from finding husbands to national security, from terrorist assassinations to tripartite games, and finally attributed to the driving force of emotion, the heroine’s perseverance and intrepidity, every detail is due to a logical reason. "Heart" has become a model of suspense film.

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