Hype concept

Henderson 2022-09-15 19:02:44

Think of a person with countless houses, tickets, cars, and horses. It’s too late to be happy. It is impossible to commit suicide after listening to Black Friday tens of thousands of times, or the probability of suicide is very low.
For people who want to commit suicide, most people who want to commit suicide do not listen to this song.
Many more people will commit suicide after eating halogen cooking than after listening to this song.
It was this group of people who were about to commit suicide, and naturally they committed suicide after listening to this song unnaturally. It was not this group of people who lived very happily and then committed suicide after listening to this song.
A has characteristics of B, it does not mean that those with characteristics of B are A. The reason is very simple. Einstein has a head. It does not mean that a freak created by Satan education has a head that is also Einstein, or has the wisdom of Einstein.
After listening to Black Friday, the proportion of people who have nothing or feel better than those who have committed suicide is much more, so Black Friday and others are pure hype and not to be afraid of.

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Extended Reading

Friday the 13th quotes

  • Trent: [to Clay] I would probably leave soon before I get pissed off and, you know...

    Clay Miller: Yeah?

    Trent: Yeah.

    [looks from Clay to door, seemingly tough]

    Clay Miller: [unfazed] What happens then?

  • Lawrence: I got business I gotta do this weekend.

    Chelsea: What business?

    Lawrence: Music. I'm trying to start a label.

    Chelsea: Oh, yeah? Like what kind? Like rap?

    Lawrence: Why you gotta go racial? Look, don't put me in a box, all right? What, because I'm black I can't listen to Green Day?

    Chelsea: You're right, that was dumb. So, what kind of music?

    Lawrence: Rap.