I really don't know what the writers thought about the bad movie. A proper piece of shit is just for money

Winifred 2022-04-21 09:02:01

Why did the little girl's mother who brought Ghidorah back to life in the first place had to be cleansed at the end? Her actions caused the destruction of the city and how many people died because of her?

2 The screen of the machine that was crushed by Ghidorah with one foot is not broken? Can it still be fixed?

3 It's so cool to blow up someone's house to save Godzilla

4 Duo Duo bad film is to attract money! I really don't know what the writers thought

The rest is for making up the word count.


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Extended Reading

Godzilla: King of the Monsters quotes

  • Dr. Emma Russell: Containment team stand down, I repeat stand down! You are scaring her!

  • [last lines]

    Dr. Rick Stanton: [after Godzilla blasts one of King Ghidorah's heads with its atomic breath] Jesus! Good thing he's on our side.

    Dr. Ilene Chen: For now.

    Madison Russell: Look!

    [the remaining Titans, including Rodan, arrive to bow to Godzilla, who roars in triumph]