Martian buddies VS. Venus bestie

Delphine 2022-04-20 09:01:40

WOW, it's a good time for Martians to fight Venusians, but unfortunately the earth is too small, right, men who cook dumplings often know each other, and women who cook dumplings are mainly girlfriends.

BTW, the fake interviews interspersed in the middle are very interesting. The one I admire the most is the old grandmother who detected the JQ of three husbands, but my lover never reveals the bottom! Worshiping~~~~
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I have the right to call every fifteen minutes until he calls back. But this is not a neurosis, definitely not------> Sisters, this is a neurosis, absolutely.

Aniston: I've broken up before and know how to handle it. Well done last time, same this time ------> Wicked thought, do you mean the time with Brad.Pitt? But the most joyous thing is that she leads the dog, hahahaha

I swear this is not an excuse to invite you here------------> Don't talk nonsense, everyone knows it well .

No man wants to really get married------> How can you speak the truth so casually?

Woman: She needs sparks. Man: The spark is BUllShit, you're too keen on Drama.
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A talented woman has become a leftover woman, but JackAss is married. Is the world unfair? Wrong, it couldn't be fairer, there are strong women in the world: I'm picking up girls when I'm studying, I'm picking up girls when I'm working, and I'm picking up girls when they're XXXXXX. Isn't that right, mediocre people can devote their limited lives to unlimited pickups (for ladies, you can replace pickups with words you like, such as love), but talented people have a lot of other things to distract their energy from. If a man says that picking up girls is the only thing worth doing in life, he will be considered either a lover or a rogue, and according to statistical rules, the latter should obviously occupy the majority; but on the other hand, why do girls think that love is the only important thing in life? Even the only thing, it seems so natural. Is this setting up privileges for women, or does the whole society acquiesce that women are about equal to the level of male hooligans? I hope it's not the latter.

The real estate agent's pair of little gay clients was very interesting. After a closer look, I found out that the reason why Barrymore can make such a fantastic advertising arrangement is because her colleagues and best friends are also a group of little gays, Oh My God, Is this a brilliant setting or a stereotype (how artistic is Gay?). Her best friends and little gays are also very interesting. I finally understand why so many ladies now want to recruit a gay to be their best friend, what should I do or should I pretend to be close? Forget it though, because I'm really not "totally" interested in similar boudoir topics. Although I couldn't help smiling when I watched a group of girlfriends warm each other, share their feelings, and be happy about a little thing, but as a man, I can't live such a life, I will definitely go crazy. Let's talk about world peace.

The decorators are so pitiful, they have to deal with the hostess's emotional problems in addition to work.
What's even more pitiful is LP, who just wanted to question about smoking, but failed to ask the mistress by thunder. But she was really brave and calm. It was heart-wrenching when she said "I was fun" and when she broke the mirror and had to clean it herself. When will a lady understand that marriage is about running a company, having fun may be a good start, but it's just the beginning. There is no such thing like "Happily ever after", if you don't work hard, your marriage will fail at any time----------As some paranoid managers say, the company is always only eighteen away from bankruptcy month, I do not know whether the warranty period of marriage will be a little longer. However, the mistakes she made are the most unforgivable. No OOXX, why should her husband marry her? for love? Go to hell! It's also a hormone-controlled behavior, don't think that love is more advanced than OOXX, you better understand this, compatriots. In addition, there is a saying that a good marriage is a deaf husband and a blind wife, and sometimes pretending to be confused is the wisdom of life.

In addition to the issue of rules and exceptions, the film is unfair to men. But it doesn't matter, just as hero movies or sports games are men's stimulants, then women should also have their own "healing system" - Drama drama. Life is too tired and too realistic, rules can be seen everywhere, there is no need to go to the movie to get another education, so Drama is Drama. I didn't like this kind of film at all before, I thought it was a waste of life; I still don't like it now, but at least I don't feel like I'm wasting my life anymore. It's not that I'm good at picking up girls (always super bad), but learning to respect other people's lives and emotions Now --------------- This is the honey and the other is arsenic, everyone has the right to choose their own way of "wasting their life", isn't it?

Regarding No exception, in fact, several men had ideas from the beginning, including the love guide Alex, but they still had thoughts about Gigi, otherwise they would not have been in this muddy water. Although he said that Gigi has too many fantasies, I have to say that girls do like to think wildly, but if boys are ruthless and ruthless, there will be no room for fantasies, and they do things that make people fantasize Stick to the body, think beautiful. So although the ending is a Drama, it is definitely not an Excetion. In addition, as an IT person, I am used to asking to follow the rules and try to avoid exceptions.
The country is unfortunate, the poet is lucky, and it is easy to compose the vicissitudes of life. It can be said in another way that love is unfortunate and career is fortunate, so even if the film does not end in pairs, it is not the end of the world. Life is always chosen by themselves, and they have opportunities, but they choose not to accept, tolerate, and compromise, and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as that life is what they want, or they can really be responsible for their own choices. So, bless every workaholic and the idiots behind it! So I don't think there is anything to be sympathetic to about a bachelor or a leftover girl. His/them lives are chosen by themselves, they are adults, and it is their age that should be responsible instead of complaining about the society.
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In the end, although I stand on Pitt's side, I think Julie's aura is far stronger than Aniston, but as an ordinary bachelor, if God can give you a man similar to Aniston The kind of lady that Dun plays, I also burn high incense. I am very sympathetic to the real estate economy. Men's distress is similar. How can they have a big house but no hostess! But the current trend is that Ann is becoming a fashion. I am not referring to the mistress, but the "obsessedness" of death without love. As mentioned above, I will not comment on this.

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He's Just Not That Into You quotes

  • Gigi: [Answering machine answers, Gigi's voice:] Or call my cell, or try me at work but definitely leave a message here first. Thanks!

    Alex: Hey, Gigi. It's Alex, um, how's it going?

    [He starts to pace]

    Alex: Uh, just wondering how you're doing. I haven't talked to you in a little while and, uh, just wondering how you're doing.

    [He sits on the couch]

    Alex: So... I was hoping to talk to you... obviously. But you're out, I guess. So, just call me some time. Or tonight, uh, in around... uh, I'll be in around... that's, that's... not... now. It's Alex. Okay.

    [He hangs up the phone]

    Tyrone: Dude.

    Alex: [He looks down] I know.

  • Neil: So, we're not getting married but I have to get rid of my pants?