My favorite indian movie

Bryce 2022-01-03 08:02:05

I have seen many people's comments on Indian movies. Almost most people like "Three Silly". This movie is really good, and I like it very much. But of the Indian movies I have watched so far, this one is my favorite. Because I like the heroine so much, she is very beautiful, and this beauty not only comes from her appearance, but also from her heart and her intelligence and bravery. Maybe I am also a girl. Once I see such a girl , I really like them, I hope I can be like them. It is the depth of love that makes the heroine have such a revenge plan, and how wise and clever is it that she thinks of disguising herself as a pregnant woman to let her guard down. Computer proficient, knows how to invade other people's computers. I killed two people and didn’t show any fear, especially when I killed the most important person. It was so cool. I pulled the hairpin out of my hair and forked it into that person’s neck. I guess that person didn’t respond. What happened when I came over, I died, and the ending was really unexpected and unexpected. Although the traditional Indian singing and dancing scenes are missing in the film, the pictures are very beautiful when it comes to Kolkata at night, especially the Howrah Bridge under the purple lights. At the beginning, some landmarks in Kolkata can be seen. At this time, people are in a happy festive atmosphere to celebrate Dujia Bodhisattva. So the film also shows the style and customs of this city from other aspects, which can be rewarded.

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