It's a lousy movie, if you're not really a fan of the X-Men, it's boring to watch it

Chet 2022-04-22 07:01:23

As the title, and, very fan friends, you have won the lottery, a big mouthful of shit is waiting for you.

In this film, Qin is a rebellious little girl with no brains, and she is extremely brainless. Then Charles here would just say: I can help you, you can control yourself, we are family. :) After Qin got energy, she began to destroy the world and didn't listen to people's words. Ruiwen died inexplicably, and my face was full of mmp smiles. I really hoped that when Eric wanted to kill Qin. What kind of shit is this? ? ? I even think that only Eric's thinking is correct.

Finally, thank you Fox for taking the time to mess with the X-Men :)

Two stars are given to the actors, and the plot is sporadic.

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Extended Reading

X-Men: Dark Phoenix quotes

  • Jean Grey: You shouldn't have come here.

    Professor Charles Xavier: Why is that? We've only come to bring you home, Jean.

    Jean Grey: I don't have a home. You made sure of that.

  • Vuk: You're special, Jean. And if you stop fighting that force inside you, if you embrace it, you will possess the very power of a god.