Politics is the only way to serve content~

Arnold 2022-04-19 09:01:47

For or against homosexuality, this debate has been used by politicians as a campaign topic to seek their own political power.
But in order to fight against prejudice and fight for their own legal rights, homosexuals also use politics to gain their rights.

I gave the movie 5 stars, not because of the political struggle or the rights protection of the disadvantaged.

I learned more about the gay community and their emotional tendencies from the movie. They are no different from us, and have nothing to do with AIDS. So the success of the film is to let more people know about the gay community.

Beyond the topic of homosexuality, my deeper understanding of the film is: we have to have the courage to fight against inequality.

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Milk quotes

  • Cleve Jones: Out of the bar and into the streets! Anita Bryant is coming for you!

  • Harvey Milk: I am here tonight to say that we will no longer sit quietly in the closet. We must fight. And not only in the Castro, not only in San Francisco, but everywhere the Anitas go. Anita Bryant did not win tonight, Anita Bryant brought us together! She is going to create a national gay force! And the young people in Jackson Mississippi, in Minnesota, in the Richmond, in Woodmere New York, who are hearing her on television, hearing Anita Bryant telling them on television that they are sick, they are wrong, there is no place in this great country for them, no place in this world, they are looking to us for something tonight, and I say, we have got to give them hope!