in your eyes

Wilfrid 2022-04-21 09:01:56

Although the protagonist speaks English, the scene is friendly in China~
If I remember correctly, their school should be a Lu Xun Middle School or an elementary school or something. Why not choose a new school? Why does the protagonist live in the old city of Beijing instead of a modern international apartment or something? The reason is very simple, because China gives foreigners the impression that everything is old--old houses, old parks, old people. Therefore, even the political, economic and cultural centers that the Chinese are proud of are not immune to the films made by the Chinese themselves. He is destined to be shown to foreigners again and again in this ancient and mysterious gesture.
In fact, my favorite is the two scenes where Little Rhett watched SpongeBob SquarePants. When I first lived in a place I didn't know well, I couldn't even communicate with each other. SpongeBob SquarePants and McDonald's Kaifeng dishes should be the most cordial. But SpongeBob SquarePants spit out strange Chinese, and it suddenly became unfamiliar...
Watching a large group of middle school students in school uniforms and red scarves fighting, it's so discordant~ Why do middle school students still wear red scarves? To emphasize that they are native Chinese children? Then why does Little Red also wear a red scarf? If I remember correctly, the red scarf means the corner of the red flag, the symbol of the Chinese Young Pioneers, and the reserve force of the Chinese GCD. First, the reserve forces fought in groups; secondly, foreigners who arrived in China also began to move closer to China's D organization with practical actions. Good sarcasm
I will not comment on Chinese Kung Fu and its spirit, there are too many praises, so I will save my energy. The children of those martial arts schools can see the temperament of martial arts training. They are fierce and vicious. Some people say that in the past movies about Chinese Kung Fu always ended up with Chinese people winning over foreigners, and then Chinese Kung Fu was recognized; but in the end of this film But it was the foreigners who defeated the Chinese, (ah, I also forgot what was going on in circles). I think the movie does a good job of it. Because the original intention of most people to learn kung fu is to fight and win; the existence of martial arts schools is only for profit. There is a deviation in the teacher's own thinking, wrong guidance and wrong motivation of the students, so the result is not much better. In the end, when the kids salute Jackie Chan's magical uncle who can speak English and martial arts, I thought they would say "Teacher, accept us as apprentices!" The scene of being a man appears at the end of the credits. 囧~ It turns out that I think too much o>_

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The Karate Kid quotes

  • Dre Parker: Mr Han's teaching me kung fu.

    Sherry Parker: The maintenance man?

    Dre Parker: It's China, mom. Everybody knows kung fu.

  • Mr. Han: Where is your jacket?

    Dre Parker: I was warm enough without it.

    Mr. Han: Go get it.

    Dre Parker: You want me to go all the way back just to get it?

    Mr. Han: Yes, all the way back where you hide it.