Guide to Chinese pretending

Napoleon 2022-04-19 09:01:48

After watching this movie, I felt that I should write this for American audiences. . . .
At least there are the following:
1. Beijing people living environment is like this ah?
Do New Yorkers and Canadians live like in The Seven Deadly Sins and Brokeback Mountain?
2. Beijing Middle School is really cool~ There
is no such place...
3. How do Chinese people who drive A6L live in such a yard?
Those who drive A6L may not be able to live in such a yard...
4. Cupping is really awesome! ! ! ! ! !
Every uncle who can cupping is an angel with broken wings in his last life.
5. I also want to go to Beijing to see this kind of martial arts school, very cool! !
When I have the opportunity, I will take you to Dengfeng, Henan. There is really no such thing in Beijing...

Hahaha, well, China in the eyes of foreign directors is a bit unaccustomed to us. For example, the Qixi Festival shadow puppet would make me extremely ashamed. I have lived in China for 20 years and have never been there. . . . . .
In addition, the beauties in the eyes of foreigners seem to be like Lin Yuling. . . . Can't stand it. . . .
But will smith's son is so cool~~~~
This film is absolutely perfect as his starring role~~~
Although he doesn't look confident, it is really compared to the character in "Knock When Happiness" It opened my eyes

and wondered if the screenwriter had watched too many Chinese martial arts films. . . The final scene setting is too Chinese to make me aesthetically tired, but this film for foreigners must be very useful to them!

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Extended Reading

The Karate Kid quotes

  • Dre Parker: Mr Han's teaching me kung fu.

    Sherry Parker: The maintenance man?

    Dre Parker: It's China, mom. Everybody knows kung fu.

  • Mr. Han: Where is your jacket?

    Dre Parker: I was warm enough without it.

    Mr. Han: Go get it.

    Dre Parker: You want me to go all the way back just to get it?

    Mr. Han: Yes, all the way back where you hide it.