A bound dream

Letitia 2022-04-24 07:01:06

Aamir Khan's works have always been devoted to reflecting social problems. In "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood", he criticized India's examination-oriented teaching that emphasizes theory and neglects practice. In "My God", he ruthlessly Expose the ugly faces of those who seek profit for themselves in the name of God. This time, when countless fans in China still won a pheasant award for their idols for a vigorous publicity, he has used his acting skills and efforts to bring the issue of women's rights in India to the public eye, and through extensive social attention, to change this situation.
For the sake of a role, he did not hesitate to gain weight to become a potbellied uncle, and to lose weight for a mere few seconds of the camera, this kind of dedication and hard work is obviously more convincing than those boasted in the press releases of the traffic stars. .
"Wrestle, Dad" tells a story of high spirits: Singh was an excellent wrestler when he was young, but he always regretted that he could not win glory for his country on the world-class stage, so he had to put these hopes on his own son. However, good luck made people, Singer exhausted all kinds of remedies to ask for a son, but his wife gave birth to one daughter after another. Singh had to give up his obsession and sealed his dream. An accident caused Singer to discover the wrestling talents of his two daughters. In a desperate situation, he seemed to see hope: Who said that only a son can help him realize his dream? Since then, began his journey of raising his two daughters into wrestlers. The two daughters happened to be the age of cardamom, but under the devil's training from their father, they were forced to cut their long hair and turned into strong boys. In the end, after a series of twists and turns, both daughters became excellent wrestlers, and finally helped their father realize his wish.
This is a fairly main story. In an interview, Aamir Khan himself stated that the original intention of making this film was to express that "girls can also be pinned on hope like boys." But after it was released in China, it caused a lot of controversy. After watching the movie, many people criticized the fact that "the father forcibly pinned his hopes on his daughter", which is the correctness of the matter itself. In order to fulfill his unfulfilled dream, the father imposed it on his daughters like a mission, forced them to undergo hard training, and cut their long hair despite their tears and pleas, which is a kind of straight man in itself. manifestation of cancer.
However, whether the views of these Chinese audiences are correct, in our opinion, these remarks do have some truth, but the premise is that we think it makes sense, it is based on our national conditions and the reality of life, we can be guided by our parents when we are young , dance, musical instruments, various sports, try again and again and then decide what you like, and develop in that direction. If you don't like anything, we can focus on learning. The worst thing is to go to society after nine years of compulsory education. There is a place for us. As for India, where is the way out for girls in a highly male-dominated society like India where women are highly objectified? With the progress of society, some Indian girls from good parents and broad horizons will also receive good education, and then, like men in society, have their own occupations and become relatively independent members of society. However, the road to feminism in India has just begun, and there is still a long way to go. More girls are still destined to marry and have children from birth due to their family's economic ability and traditional conservative thinking of their parents. Become an accessory of your husband all your life. What's more, the story took place in the 1990s. It is conceivable that at that time, how likely was it that girls in India could freely choose their own development paths like girls in our country are now? What they have seen since childhood is that the girls around them are married to wives at a young age, and they can get access to other skills besides housework. Under such circumstances, how can they have the ability to become pianist athletes and so on? dream? Even if they say it out loud, who can give them a chance to realize it? Therefore, whether the father in the movie is forced or not, he tries his best to create the conditions for his two daughters to become wrestlers under the circumstances of life as hard as possible, which objectively facilitates the daughters to get rid of the traditional Indian girl's fate of being dependent on men.
Furthermore, is the father's rigorous training of his two daughters really excessive, straight male cancer? In fact, this has nothing to do with feminism, or even with national conditions. To borrow the words of a netizen, "As long as wrestling is replaced by reading, it will not feel excessive and incomprehensible." Yes, "Heaven will entrust great responsibilities to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer their will, work their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skin." No matter what country or society you are in, if you want to achieve remarkable results, the effort you put in is definitely not. Do whatever you want, the so-called strict teacher and high apprentice absolutely has its correctness. When he was young, Lang Lang was also forced by his father to practice the piano and wanted to commit suicide. Just imagine how far Lang Lang could have gone by just relying on his own interests if it weren't for the strict requirements of Lang Lang's father in the past. Even if you choose a direction according to your own interests, the strength to move forward in that direction is not enough just by your own love. The father's actions in the movie are beyond reproach, no matter what kind of social environment they are placed in. No one succeeds just because of their own interests. The car accident at the Tianhou concert at the beginning of the year told us: no effort, genius is also good. Hanging.
We don't have a similar experience, so we can't sympathize with the dire and helpless lives of girls in another country adjacent to us, so please don't judge such a story based on our experience and experience. It's still Aamir Khan's words, "What this movie wants to express is that girls can be pinned on hope just like boys." The two girls in the story, despite their dreams, are tied to their bodies by their fathers, But in the society at that time, girls can be the objects bound by dreams, that is progress.
Post a soap film to prove that I watched it on the day of the premiere, but the review was written a little late

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.