Do more words count as a long review! I'm just talkative.

Martine 2022-04-23 07:02:00

I want to write a long review, but I'm lazy. I don't know if it was because of low tears or what, but I cried several times. At first, she felt that her father was a tyrant who persecuted his daughters for his own dreams. Later, he felt that he really had the idea of ​​equality between men and women to achieve this step. Maybe he has factors in order to realize his dream, but he can also treat his daughters as an individual equal to boys, because they are talented, so train them, not just because they are girls or gossip, give up They, this is the true attitude of a father. Discrimination against women exists in every country, and the severity is different, but in India, a particularly serious country, it is not easy to do so. Salute to this father. Sports movies are always particularly flaming, and it makes people’s blood boil. During the game, I applauded with the audience, and when I won the game, I also burst into tears. As a biographical sports film, it is also very successful. Athletes have come all the way through hardships, and we should pay tribute to all athletes. In the end, I expressed my sympathy to my cousin. The worst part of the show was my cousin. He was cowardly all the way to the end. He was beaten during training demonstrations, beaten by sparring partners, and beaten by his aunt when he learned to cook chicken.

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.