It can only be seen that the father who persecutes the child is too sad!

Stefan 2022-04-23 07:02:00

A thousand readers make a thousand Hamlets!

In fact, the father played by Aamir Khan does have his shortcomings and limitations. At first, he really wanted to have a son to realize his dream. He prioritized sons over daughters and wanted to impose his dreams on the child.

However, he gave birth to four daughters in a row and no son!

It's really up to people to make things happen, and God to make things happen! If he was a man in one fell swoop, there would be no such story, and there would be no women's rights!

This dad started out as an authentic rural Indian man, who didn't want to be a feminist fighter at all.

But sometimes, the unfortunate fate forced the father to wake up step by step.

This story tells us: sometimes life is not smooth, not necessarily because God is against you, maybe it is an opportunity to force you to jump out of your own limitations and grow into a better person.

If this rural Indian man had a very high level of consciousness from the beginning, would it be fake? Fake or not?

Although Dad wanted to set his dreams on his children, he had no choice but to give birth to daughters. So objectively speaking, children actually have a carefree childhood, not forced from the beginning.

When the father saw his daughters beating up the boys until their noses were bruised, he thought of training his daughter to be a wrestler. Objectively speaking, it is to discover the child's innate skills and decide to train them.

And with a one-year deadline, if the child is really talented and really wants to practice, go on.

So this dad, though eager to impose his dream on his child, failed to do so. Had he given birth to a son, he might really have completely disregarded the child's free will and innate skills.

It was a mistake. Although the father's thoughts were wrong, his actions were correct. The child is given a free early childhood and is trained after discovering the child's innate skills.

Some people criticize the three views of this movie as being wrong, but does the three views of a character represent the three views of the whole movie?

When the father forced the training of the two daughters, the two daughters rebelled and set off their own little resistance. There is confrontation and internal friction between father and daughter, and the training is not smooth.

When the eldest daughter went to the sports academy, she was faced with a lot of things she had never been exposed to, and she quickly got lost, which led to two defeats.

These negative consequences of being forced into life are all shown in the movies. If the bad consequences of the father's wrong behavior, the film not only did not show, but also beautified, telling the story of a father forcing his daughter's life, the daughter is still happy and has been training hard, all the way to get the gold medal. Only then can you say that the three views of this movie are wrong!

In fact, the father does not completely enforce the life of the daughter.

Talking about toxicity without the dose is a hooligan. In the same way, it is also a hooligan to talk about behavior by leaving the degree. Dad’s coercion on his daughter’s life is very limited. In the end, her daughter attended a friend’s wedding. After listening to her friend’s words, she figured it out and started training on her own initiative.

This detail is also wonderful. The father also did not allow the daughter to go, and the daughter secretly went after begging her mother. Dad was furious when he found out, rushed into the wedding and slapped his cousin.

Here I want to say that my father never touched a finger of his two daughters from beginning to end! Even when they are disobedient, resisted, and lost, wrestling doesn't count. As for why he slapped his eldest cousin, is it because he was reluctant to hit his daughter, he just hit his nephew? I don't understand either, I feel sorry for my big cousin for three seconds.

If Dad knew how much the wedding would affect his two daughters and make them realize that he had a life-changing opportunity, there was absolutely no way he would stop them from going.

Dad's thoughts are always destroyed by God, but he hit it right again.

This detail tells us: don't stop children from making friends and learning about society. Don't always think that you are right, sometimes your ideas can't achieve the results you want, and life will naturally make people grow.

When the eldest daughter left her father and went to the National Sports Academy to experience her own confusion and growth, her father did not hold on to it, did not abuse, did not pretend to be sick... did not resort to any means of control.

He let go of his daughter and let her grow up. In the end, it was her daughter's decision to return to her father's training method.

So although this is a dad who wants to impose his dreams on his children, God always messes with him, and he doesn't fully implement his ideas.

In fact, what he does is guide and train the child's natural skills, which is a very good educational behavior! Although the father did make some mistakes due to his own ideological limitations in the process, resulting in some bad consequences, but in the end the three of them overcame it together.

For her daughter, it means that her talent and skills are discovered, cherished and helped, and finally fully exerted, and she has achieved great success in life. This is a great educational outcome. Although there have been resistance and confusion in the middle, but in the end, it was self-awareness and inner motivation that drove them to success.

This is completely different from some people criticizing this movie for advocating forcing children.

A good story tells a complete process, full of details and true humanity. In all of these episodes, the audience can make their own attribution. It will not give you a false attribution to mislead you.

Dad did have the wrong idea at first, but his success depends on his objective behavior, not his thoughts.

In this movie, I saw a Bole father who discovered his child's talent and decided to focus on nurturing him, a powerful father who once won the national wrestling championship himself. The talent of the child and the strength of the father are the keys to success! rather than being forced.

To equate this with Chinese-style persuasion is really speechless! Chinese-style persuasion does not illuminate a child's innate skills, but is often forced by parents to illuminate their children's mainstream skills, regardless of whether the child has it or not. If your child is unfortunate enough to have unfortunate innate skills, such as wrestling, your parents will try their best to oppose it and ask you to study!

In the film, women's wrestling is one of the odds. The father and daughter need to endure great pressure to fight a bloody path. If there is no daughter's talent and father's ability, there is no way to kill! Those who have talent and strength, kill a way, and only those who are mediocre with talent can easily embark on this road!

For the poor, talent skills are the most important competitiveness!

When money, connections and resources are inferior to others, how can we win in the brutal competition for survival? talent!

Talent can give you enough advantages and lasting motivation to get out of poverty and cross classes!

And the Chinese-style push-pull, that is, thousands of troops are trying to squeeze a single-plank bridge, and everyone is fighting for mainstream skills. Don't pay attention to promoting strengths and circumventing weaknesses at all, and exerting talent.

Everyone has to walk the path others have walked, and everyone has to squeeze the same path.

Are you going to say you're going to try to be a wrestling world champion? Keep calling you to study! My son, my family is poor and can't afford it, so let's go to study, there is a way out of studying, at least you won't die of starvation!

How easy is it to get a world championship? How can a poor family have the strength to make a way out, it is a matter of the rich family, there is capital, enough to splurge!

Tell us poor people to kill a bloody path, why not eat minced meat!

It's a luxury to be yourself!

In fact, this is not a movie about being forced at all, but a movie about being yourself, okay? That's right, it's such a luxurious thing!

It's the same as "Three Silly Makes a Big Trouble in Bollywood", except that "Three Silly" is about how the middle class can be themselves; and this one is about how the bottom layer can be themselves!

Aamir Khan has never changed, his three views are always online! It's just that as he gets older, he's challenging things that get harder and harder. Being yourself at the bottom is much harder than being yourself at the middle class!

But there are two groups of people under this movie. One group of people said that this movie advocates Chinese-style compulsion, and the three views are not right!

A group of people say that this movie proves that it's right to force it. I was forced by my parents. This movie is great.

Maybe it's because the father image created by Aamir Khan is too successful.

People at the bottom always have more ideological limitations, laying an egg, letting the egg fly, and imposing their own dreams on their children, which is in line with the mentality of parents at the bottom. But a character's mentality is not equal to the director's three views!

This father, along with his daughter's growth, has been growing up, from a patriarchal role, to saying: "They are not qualified to choose my daughter, but my daughter to choose them."; finally said: "You are fighting against all the misogynists, against the misogynists, against only doing housework, against getting engaged from an early age... If you win tomorrow, you won't be alone, there will be thousands Tens of thousands of girls just like them, taste the taste of victory with you, the victory of those girls who are imprisoned in tedious housework, the victory of all girls who are considered inferior to men, the victory of those girls who can only be husbands and children ."

The father who said this was once a patriarchal father who wanted to have a son.

Some people whitewash the father in the early stage, and some people defend the father with various details.

But I think that my father is growing up, his pattern is getting bigger and bigger, he has broken his own ideological limitations, from wanting to have a son, to thinking that a daughter can be, from trying to control his daughter to realize his life dream , to really seeing their daughters, to being proud of them, to seeing thousands of women in India from them!

This story tells us that people grow up. No matter how poor you come from, it doesn't matter how many ignorant thoughts you once had, the pattern will grow and your thoughts will progress! (It’s hard for a poor family to have a noble son, because there are ideological limitations and character disadvantages, that’s bullshit!)

Some people will grow with the growth of the child! Children are sometimes the opportunity of your life, the treasure of life!

Besides, in the end, the eldest daughter still chose the training method of her father. Some people denounce this as a proclamation of patriarchy.

But I clearly saw that when my daughter called Dad and cried on the phone, Dad left without saying a word. This is love and selfless support for children, okay?

Dad would analyze videotapes of his daughter's past games to find out why she failed, saying that her daughter should fight like a lion and not be made like an elephant by the coach. This is a deep understanding of her daughter. At this point, her daughter chooses a good coach who teaches students according to their aptitude.

During the competition, the father will formulate a corresponding strategy for his daughter according to the characteristics of the opponent. At this point, the daughter chooses a good coach with appropriate strategies.

During the finals, the father told his daughter the most touching passage in the movie, which gave her daughter a huge power of self-realization, which is the most powerful motivation in everyone's heart. At this point, my daughter chose a good coach who really knows how to encourage.

Every time, the daughter chooses the right ability, not the father, let alone succumbing to the patriarchy!

Finally, it can also be seen that this film tells a story of self-realization! The father and daughter who rushed out from the bottom have achieved such a luxury of self-realization!

I don't know how the CCP and the ANTI-KIC see this story as a story that praises the Chinese-style CCP! Two completely different things, okay? It is a very luxurious story of being yourself and self-realization!

The key to success is the talent of the child and the strength of the father. The child does not have such talent, and the father is not such a powerful coach. It is impossible to succeed just by pushing hard! The greatest probability is to force out mental illness.

What should be learned from this story is to discover and cultivate children's talents!

There are many bright spots in the film: For example, even if the talent is strong, it takes hard work to succeed.

It was the first time for the eldest daughter to compete, but she couldn't get a name at first. Later, considering that there are more female wrestlers watching and earning more money, she agreed to let the eldest daughter compete. Market freedom creates opportunities for women and creates fairness.

The comparison between father and coach, in a bureaucratic and chaotic country, the regular army is not necessarily comparable to the wild way, don't be superstitious about seniority! I am really touched by this one!

Awakened children of innate skills often do not know it themselves, and need to be discovered and guided.

Coercion can cause a child to rebel.

Only the monotonous life of training can't avoid getting lost after coming into contact with the world of flowers. The younger sister can avoid this because they have seen the loss of the elder sister, and some people can learn from the life experience of others and avoid making mistakes.

Innate skill points are often inherited, and family origins make sense.

Life is not only a long run, but also a relay race. This is a story of two generations of father and daughter who used their talent and skills to relay, fight a bloody road, get rid of poverty, and cross the class!

It is a great waste of the resources of future generations to give preference to sons and not to women.

Some people who do great things are not so good at the beginning. Those who want to do great things may sometimes just have a stubborn idea, and they will become great things by doing it. Be brave and do whatever you want!

Dad has many advantages, he is passionate and energetic, and he can create every opportunity to overcome all difficulties in the things he identifies. Sometimes these virtues lead to success.

Such success cannot be replicated without great talent and great training opportunities. But you should help such people, because when they kill a bloody way, you and your descendants have another way out.

A good movie is just that, it gives you a great story and you can think of many, many things on your own. Every plot, every detail can be figured out, every angle can be thought, and different people can see different truths.

It must be taken out of context, and it is too much to say that it is a story of parents forcing their children to refute them. If it's for the sake of traffic, then forget it, you can't wake up a person pretending to be asleep.

It would be a shame if you really think so! I missed such a wonderful movie.

Oh oh, there's one more plot. The coach let the eldest daughter lose weight to 51kg and participate in the 51kg competition. Dad disagreed. He felt that his daughter could win at 55kg, even if 51kg would definitely win.

It reminds me of "pursuit of excellence, success will catch up with you inadvertently." Aamir Khan is still Aamir Khan, even if the role is changed to the bottom, the essence remains the same!

Aamir Khan would never think it was right for Ali to learn to sing and Jackson to learn to box! This is still a movie that affirms talent, calls people to be themselves, self-realization!

It is not at all to encourage parents to persecute their children.

Super busy, but couldn't resist writing! The main reason is that this movie is so good that I am filled with emotion after watching it!

The audience this year is very good, and everyone gave the movie high ratings. so happy! Good things will still be appreciated by many people. This is not a rotten world, so happy!

Being forced to force the party and the anti-forced party to be so angry, I came to write this article.

In the beginning, it was forced by anti-persecution to force the party, because the movie does not advocate that parents force their children at all.

Later, it was forced to force the party, and this movie is not at all for parents to force their children to whitewash!

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.