Dad's dream made my life

Adrien 2022-04-22 07:01:23

Text / Ruina

's public account: Meng 2 (meng2girl)
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The movie "Wrestle! "Dad", in simple terms, is the journey of the father's dream, which opened the way of life for the daughters.

I believe that the friends who have watched this film will leave a deep impression in their minds. The touching scenes, the simple but classic lines, sometimes hit the point of laughter, sometimes trigger the point of tears, no matter what the world has How realistic and cruel, it turns out that what moves us is always the most sincere emotion.

The father, a former Indian national wrestling champion, gave up wrestling due to life constraints. He hopes his son can help him fulfill his dream of winning a world-class gold medal. However, the day did not go as expected, and the daughters came one by one, quenching the last hope in Dad's heart.

Huh? Isn't this a bridge we often encounter on the way to pursue our dreams? Yes, most people's predicaments are very similar. There is no smooth sailing in life, only ups and downs along the way. If you thought this was the end of it, then it's no wonder you're always full of "failure". Hurry up and see how Dad broke through the obstacles. Who said that women are not as good as men. Just when Dad was disheartened, a few boys who were beaten up by his daughter suddenly appeared in the family. Dad asked them how they beat them.

The daughter was very surprised. Instead of being reprimanded by her father, she had to tell her own way of playing. At this time, the two people who were confused did not know that their destiny was changing.

In this way, the father accidentally discovered the amazing talent in his daughter, and after rekindling the hope of the championship, he decided not to let his daughter's talent go to waste. Like other girls, he could only do laundry and cook for a lifetime. After thinking about it, he made an appointment with his wife for a year. Train her two daughters to wrestler standards: change out their skirts, cut off their long hair, and let them practice wrestling.

Seeing this, I am a little envious. I believe that many people have been asked since childhood what they want to do when they grow up. When they grow up and say the same thing, they will be killed by their family members, saying that you are imaginative, and persuading you to follow the path of life of most people, and more. Don't expect them to discover your brilliance and talent, it's just extravagant hope.

Some people just want to dream their own dreams, and some people want to be dreams in the eyes of others. The former, the courage is consumed by the secular world; the latter, never bow to fate, what kind of life you want, just go for it, and their courage is never blind in the face of fear. However, do all successful people know their worth from the beginning?

Not all, just like Daddy's lovely daughters, they began to think that they had done something wrong and that Daddy would punish them. Later, they found out that their father was serious, and they both panicked. what can we do about it? People will instinctively resist the path that others give them. In the stage of "I want to be myself", they actually don't know what kind of me to be. So, they went to their mother to persuade them, but the response they got was: this year, forget about my mother!

In order to escape from their father's clutches, the two also tried their best. First, they played tricks on the alarm clock, and then deliberately lost to their brother. Finally, they couldn't bear the courage to show off to their father. As a result, their hair was sacrificed and they got a face full of faces Tears, still can't escape the curse of "5 o'clock in the morning".

The brief surrender is not willing, I go your way out of frustration, not what I want. The two helpless daughters had to cry at home, but were woken up by what their sister said. Passive behavior is doomed to lose, active behavior is different.

Dad was relieved to see his daughter training hard, and it was time to take her to the competition. Unexpectedly encountered difficulties again, women's wrestling was ridiculed again. I suddenly remembered a sentence: when you want to accomplish something, the whole world will help you. The next turn of the gods is the beginning of the brilliant future of sister Gita.

Picking an opponent is like picking a life. The difficulty factor you choose directly determines the height of life you want. Maybe it was an instinctive effort, maybe Geeta inherited his father's aggressiveness and stubbornness, and the belief in his bones "must not be worse than others", even if he loses, he will lose to the strongest opponent. It was this kind of courage that allowed her to win the national championship with repeated victories in the following competitions. However, Dad's dream of becoming an international champion is still a long way off. She begged her father to send herself to the National Sports Center to be trained by professional coaches, where her real dream journey began.

Dad is not at ease to give his daughter to a strange coach, how can they teach better than himself! This time it's Dad's turn to worry, what should I do? Give it a try!

Geeta entered the National Sports Center as she wished, and the father and daughter looked at the playground, each with a ghost.

After sending my daughter into the training room and seeing the coach with my own eyes, my father is still worried, can he really teach my champion daughter well? This is what many fathers think in their hearts. They don't believe that anyone can be a more competent teacher than themselves, but they are helpless that only schools can give social diplomas. Therefore, even if a child graduated from school, in the eyes of his father, he will always be a failing student.

Leaving his father's jurisdiction, Geeta ushered in liberation. In a brand new environment, her classmates destroyed the rules her father had set again and again, and even the coach scolded her, making her forget all the skills her father taught her! She regained her long flowing hair, put on beautiful clothes, painted glamorous nails, and said goodbye to the champion image in her father's mind.

The school once again gave Geeta the courage to fight against her father. The skills her father had taught her were outdated in her eyes, and she tried to pass on new skills to her sister, thus starting her first war with her father.

The younger sister knew that the reason why Dad lost the game with his elder sister was not because of outdated skills, but because his aging body was no longer able to refute it.

It can be said that no one denied the fight they had with their father, but few people realized their mistakes in this war. Who's to say that Geeta wasn't us growing up?

Since then, sister Geeta has been obsessed with coaching methods, and has repeatedly failed in international competitions. Finally, she couldn't help calling her father's phone, crying non-stop, and it was in her father's heart. As the saying goes, children do not teach their fathers, but how many children really follow their father's teachings? I just hope it's not too late when you look back.

The coach doubted her strength and said that it was difficult for her to win, but her father said that she would definitely win. She decided to tilt the balance to her father's side this time.

Geeta returned to the refined short hair, gave up snacks, and picked up the method taught by her father. Finally, with the efforts of the father and daughter, Geeta won every game and at the same time regained her lost dignity. In the final final, her father was in a difficult situation and could not be there in person. Geeta, who did not see her father, was a little panicked and lost many times. Just when it was impossible to turn the situation around, she suddenly calmed down and thought of what her father had said.

In my memory, what my father said made Geeta take courage again, how can they only get a medal, winning a gold medal is their ultimate dream! Only those who dare to think and act will succeed. Geeta finally won the international championship. She fulfilled her father's dream and heard her father say to her: "Proud of you!

Yes! As children, why don't we expect to be recognized and rewarded by our parents, no matter how hard we go, no matter how hard we go, as long as they say "proud of you", what is it!

We have to face fear and anxiety all our lives: death is like a ghost that always jumps out to scare us; we or our loved ones suffer from a serious illness without warning, and the disease lingers like a ghost; Vulnerability and helplessness; genocide or massacre, the nightmare is always with us.

Those ordinary people like Geeta who dare to look directly at challenges and have extraordinary courage, they have all encountered great changes in life, experienced failure, and have also been discouraged and desperate, but they dare to look directly at the fear in their hearts , dare to find courage and strength in the dark, and finally let courage illuminate the direction of his life.


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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.