nice movie

Briana 2022-04-22 07:01:23

Wrestling, Dad, before watching this, I just watched another Aamir Khan film, "The Stars on Earth". It's interesting that "The Stars on Earth" tells parents not to impose their own expectations on their children. Don't use children as a tool to fulfill your dreams, but "Wrestle Dad" is about an authoritarian father forcing his two daughters to wrestle, and even cutting their hair for it. To be honest, I was a little puzzled by such an obvious comparison at first. Although they were in two different eras and faced different social conditions, they were all trying to improve the current Indian society, right? But when I watched the film, I didn't think there was anything wrong with these two different attitudes. When I watched the former, I was thinking about the problems that are common in our country's current families. When I watched the latter, I was thinking about India's severe bondage of women at that time, yes, the themes are different. Different situations have different methods and different ideas. Maybe Geeta's father is too persistent in his dreams and ignores the feelings of his daughters, but in the end, they did succeed, didn't they? In the process of teaching them wrestling, he also taught them to grow up and teach them to be human. If he had given up this idea, the daughters might have really been a housewife like their mother, just like their classmate. , married as a woman just after graduating, but was still a man who had never met before, (just like most women in ancient times in our country, they lived only for the family, and their personal values ​​were not realized at all) What the bride said to them It gave them an epiphany. It was also after the classmate's wedding that they began to understand that their father was helping them to achieve themselves. The result also showed that their father was right and loved them. (I want to complain here, are all the sports and sports movies this way: do not study seriously - experience failure - epiphany - start to study seriously - slowly move towards victory - must be bewitched by others before ushering in the final victory Take some detours - get back on track with the help of enlightenment mentors - win a wave of heart-wrenching victories.) So as long as the main thing you want to express in a movie is clear and specific, some things may not seem to conform to everyone's three views. things can also be used. Because, as we often say, everything has two sides.

I really want to pay tribute to the actors here. All the movements are real. After eight months of hard training, they are still actresses. They have really made a lot of sacrifices and paid a lot. Excellent.

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.