Please give me a year to change my destiny

Esmeralda 2022-04-21 09:02:02

"Wrestle, Dad! "Led by Indian national treasure actor Aamir Khan, based on real events, it tells the inspirational story of former national wrestling champion Singh, who trained his daughter to become a women's world wrestling champion and broke the Indian tradition.

Singh is a wrestler, and his biggest regret is that he did not win a world-class gold medal in wrestling. He originally hoped to have a son to fulfill his dream of winning the world championship, but he gave birth to four children in a row, all of them daughters.

Later, he discovered that his two daughters had wrestling talents, so he made up his mind to train them.

However, in India, which is extremely patriarchal, girls are trained to do various housework from a young age, and marry at a young age. This is the norm.

It is very shocking for girls to practice wrestling. Not even his two daughters and his wife could accept it.

But Singh said: Give me a year, no, I will give up my dream.

During the year, he developed a strict training plan for his daughters, letting them train in boys' shorts and short sleeves, cut off their long hair, and take them to competitions.

Not only did he have to face the incomprehension of his daughter and his wife, he had to prepare the best possible training conditions for his daughter from the poor family expenses, but he also had to face the ridicule and rejection of this society.

In order to increase nutrition for his daughter, he tried every means to persuade the owner of the chicken store to sell chickens to him at a low price, and humbled himself to ask the leader of the Sports Bureau for funding for the wrestling mat. Under the extremely limited conditions, he tried every means to provide his daughter with training venues and equipment... …

His strict training and seemingly inhumane management made his two daughters very repulsive. But when they attended the wedding of a fourteen-year-old girl, the bride's words made them understand their father and determined to change their destiny.

The bride said: "I hope to have such a father, such a father can think about my future... He is fighting against this world, and he bears the ridicule of everyone, why? For you to have a good future."

In this regard, Geeta and Barbita are undoubtedly lucky. Their father taught them wrestling, not only for their own dreams, but also for their daughters to have the right to make their own choices.

When children are minors, they are generally ignorant about their talents and life path.

At this time, the choices parents make for their children are very important and often play a role in determining the direction of their children's life.

In this regard, Singh is a qualified father. He discovered the child's talent and cultivated it with all his might, changing the child's fate, turning his daughter from a little village girl into a world champion.

But at the same time, he respects reality and gives himself and his children a year to train and guide them, so that they can change from puzzlement to resistance to understanding to liking, and let them know how much potential and ability they have, so as to be full of their own destiny. Confidence and a wider range of options.

While watching this movie, I couldn't help but think of myself.

India is a well-known country that is extremely patriarchal. In fact, China is not much better than India, especially in some provinces, which are the hardest hit areas for patriarchy. .

I have been a withdrawn to autistic girl since I was a child. Because of the influence of the living environment, my mental ability is relatively poor. On the eve of the college entrance examination, I collapsed because of the pressure.

When I was in the college entrance examination, I went to the exam crying. So, failed the test.

But after going through the college entrance examination, I had the ability to bear it. I felt that the college entrance examination was nothing more than that, so I told my parents that I hoped that I would be able to repeat the study for a year.

My parents are teachers in key middle schools. As a child of teachers, it is very easy for me to repeat my studies in key schools.

And because I went to school early, I have always been the youngest student in the class from childhood to adulthood. Repeating one year of study will not have a big impact on my future study and work.

But I was strongly opposed by my parents.

My father questioned me: Can you guarantee that you will do better next time in the exam?

I, who have always been unconfident, replied firmly: I can definitely do better in the test.

But I was laughed at by my father: Do you think you can guarantee that you can do it?

I have been obedient to my parents since I was a child. At that time, I was very stubborn and must insist on repeating the study.

Then my parents asked my most respected English teacher to persuade me not to repeat my studies.

The English teacher is a female teacher. She persuaded me that girls should just read a book and find a job, and they should accept their fate.

I cried and cried, cried and cried, and finally I could not bear the pressure of my parents and teachers and gave in.

Since I didn't perform well in the college entrance examination, I naturally didn't get into any good schools.

In the era when the college entrance examination can change my destiny, my destiny was decided in this way.

Before that, my cousin who had lived in our family since he was a child also repeated his studies for a year because of his unsatisfactory college entrance examination, but my parents did not object.

Later, after my cousin repeated his studies, he was admitted to a medical university, and his fate also changed.

For my parents, one is a nephew and the other is a biological daughter, both of them asked to repeat their studies because they did not go well in the college entrance examination, but their handling methods were very different.

My parents think that girls can just take a diploma, find a job, and then get married and have children as soon as possible. They have no expectations of me, nor do they want me to have other expectations, and they also kill my expectations of myself.

Although my parents regretted it a little later, after I worked, they said that if I wanted to continue my studies, they would support me financially.

But some times and opportunities are gone forever.

Had they respected my decision at the time and given me an extra year, my fate would have been very different.

My parents are teachers in key middle schools, and they are also considered petty intellectuals. Their knowledge is still like this, and the other parents who are inferior are even more alarming for their contempt for their daughters.

Later, within the scope of my work and life, I met a lot of girls and became a helper demon. I paid a lot for my parents and brothers at home, but I still didn't get the respect and affirmation of my parents.

Such girls often have many flaws in their hearts and characters.

Parents' attitude towards their children plays a very important role in the development of their children's whole life.

So some film critics say "Wrestle, Dad! , is a patriarchal movie, in which a father forces his daughter to choose wrestling for his own dream. To such a comment, I just want to say: Bah!

As a father, Singer first discovered his daughter's talent and cultivated it. Second, he also gave himself and his daughter a year for her to learn about and train wrestling.

A year is not long. If a year later, their daughter still can't accept wrestling and is willing to live like an ordinary girl, marry early and have children, he will respect her daughter's choice.

In fact, their daughters also fell in love with wrestling, and achieved excellent results and embarked on the road to world championships.

To have such a father is, in fact, the luck of every girl.

With the development of society, the concept of equality between men and women has become more and more popular in China, but there is still a long way to go.

So, hopefully something like Wrestling, Dad! ” This kind of inspirational and reality-oriented movies can also be a little more.

Just like what Singer said to his daughter before she participated in the world championship final: If you win tomorrow, it is not your own victory, there are millions of girls like them, and you will win with you. All the girls who are considered inferior to the boys, the girls who are forced to do tedious household chores, the girls who are married off and have children, tomorrow you will not only play against the Australian players, but also against these people who despise women!


Ke Kelin, a friend who grew up with you~

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.