wrestle, uncle

Nelda 2022-04-19 09:01:52

The first time I saw this Indian actor was in "Three Silly Raids in Bollywood". After watching many of his movies, I found that he was not only good at acting but also enthusiastic about public welfare and volunteer activities. This "Wrestling!" Dad", I've been wanting to watch it for a long time. Although I'm not interested in wrestling, I'm very interested in the storyline and the actors' interpretations. Watching this movie without knowing anything, it's straight to the point, a story about a wrestling dream, a national wrestling champion, helplessness and powerlessness in the face of social reality and the performance of national wrestling in international competitions , don't know where to go. In the whole film, the wrestling father's nephew is the witness and participant of the whole story. I take him as my perspective and listen to me slowly.

My wrestler uncle put his unfulfilled wishes on his children, but God's will, for three years all three children were girls, until the fourth was a daughter, until he could see no hope. Uncle put away his trophy and took off the winning photos. He didn't think about it if he couldn't see it. The heart of the boy who wanted a boy to inherit his wrestling career, the one who wanted to carry forward the national wrestling career slowly changed. It became his big belly and double chin, and walking down the street with his daughter was not as straight as it used to be... Until that day, the parents of the two boys came to the door to ask for an explanation. He was surprised to learn that it was my two younger sisters, that is, his own two daughters, who had wrestling talents. I was also very surprised to see that I straightened my waist, raised my head, and put away my wrestling. Chin, it was only later that he realized that he should have seen his dream, his hope, I think the two sisters at that time must be revealing the holy light. Running, jumping, jumping, and jumping, violated the tradition of women wearing long skirts and veils in traditional Indian society, breaking the stereotype that women cannot wrestle. The two younger sisters grew up under the training of their uncle, and they regretted it countless times at the same time. Why did he beat the pair of brothers, haha, the seemingly comedy way of filming, in fact, behind the uncle's inner dedication to wrestling and his fear of no successor, right? The sisters trained very effectively, but there was always something wrong, that is, the opponents were all men, so I became a sparring trainer. I was thin and effortlessly knocked down two female sisters, not only that, but also all parties. The questioning, the social sensation, the puzzlement of the aunt and even the resistance of the two sisters by various means. The story became tragic, just like the role played by Huang Bo in Killing, the uncle used all kinds of extreme means just to show his determination. The sisters were forced to lose their long hair, were forced to undergo various trainings, and were forced to accept all kinds of questions from the outside world. But the marriage of their friends at a young age made them realize how lucky it is to have an uncle like a father who is thinking of their future in India, just because they are daughters, do they have to accept a lifetime of laundry, cooking, cleaning, and childcare from birth? A woman's destiny? At that wedding, my uncle slapped me. I was confused and understood, because I started to support him from the bottom of my heart. I am a good father and a man with dreams. My aunt once asked my uncle why and what to do, and my uncle said that he had no choice, he didn't want to let the dream slip away. Really, from that moment my sister and I understood my uncle, and we began to accept it and work hard for it. My sister Geeta became the champion who defeated many male players, and many ridicules and doubts turned into adoration. My uncle succeeded, and I became their manager. I traveled from south to north, dreaming on the road, relying on my uncle's belief. Uncle has a dream, that is to win the world wrestling championship, but there are too many obstacles in front of us. The leaders of our school, our local government officials, etc., all kinds of inaction, all kinds of non-cooperation, So during that period of time, I was called by my uncle and moved cushions, just to create a decent playing field. My sister is very good. She won every game and won the national championship. We are all very happy. For the international competition, my sister went to the national team to train, but what my uncle taught was denied. Until my sister defeated my uncle and completely denied my uncle, I realized that it is not my uncle's technology that is outdated, but my uncle's old age. Well, really, we've all grown up too. Sister Babita also won the national championship. On the same day, Sister Geeta lost the international competition. I don’t know what happened. I just remember the day when Sister Batiba also went to the National Academy, my uncle told her not to forget Own. Yes, we have all discovered that sister Geeta's repeated defeats in international competitions are just because she has long forgotten herself, and I feel a little emotional. I feel it is a pity. The only thing I don't like about my uncle is that his aura is enough to kill everyone. Fortunately, the Commonwealth Games are held in India. I think my uncle's wish will come true. I had the cheek to come to the capital in the name of taking care of my uncle to prepare for the game with my two younger sisters. In order to win and to realize their dreams, the two sisters resumed their uncle's training method, but the coach found out. At every request, the chairman agreed to the sisters to participate, but did not allow the uncle to interfere in any training. I was very anxious, I think , Uncle too. With my sister's copy of the game video, my uncle and I watched it over and over again in the video store, analyzing each opponent's technical skills and combat characteristics. , the championship is ours, really, when I saw that scene, I couldn't help but recall ten years ago when I was a child, my uncle said that he would train two younger sisters to win the world championship. At that time, no one believed it, but after ten years, we did it. ,That's great. In fact, I have been thinking about a question, why the uncle must have the sister to win the championship, just because of a dream, I believe it is not just like this, because when the neighbors in the town without chicken came to the competition venue with two girls, I listened to When it comes to what your uncle said to your sister, that's why you need to win, change the attitude of this country toward women, and you're hope. If every parent was like an uncle, the country would be The improvement of women's status and the struggle for women's rights in this country will no longer be so difficult. My sister needs to make every Chinese remember her, and this country needs to remember her. This movie is adapted from a true story. There really is such a wrestler father who raised two daughters to become excellent wrestlers, representing the place, representing the country, and most importantly, fighting on behalf of women. Are you proud? Proud, really, when Geeta won the championship, it touched my tears, moved.

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.