"Dad" is good enough, "what do you want from me".

Ephraim 2022-04-19 09:01:52

At first, I also questioned, why should the child carry the unfulfilled dream of the father? Why are their independent personalities ignored? When girls watch this movie, they should feel resentful many times. Why should girls hide in the kitchen all day long with soot? ! Why do girls have to endure the pain of being ridiculed for practicing wrestling? ! Why should women be a burden to the family, and women's colleges should not stay? ! Why don't women have the right to choose who they love? ! The unequal treatment of men and women seems to be doomed from the moment of birth.

But I want to say, don't forget, this is a rural society in India, don't be impatient, can we get into the play thoroughly?

When Babita and Geeta carried their father to their wedding, the words of her best friend woke not only the two children but also me. Their family is just an ordinary family in India who are struggling. What will be their fate? It's nothing more than reading a book, hiding in the kitchen and doing housework, waiting until a little older, listening to my parents, marrying a man I've never met, and spending the rest of my life. If their father was just an ordinary farmer, the final fate of the two girls would probably be the same.

However, their father once gave up his wrestling dream because of the family economy. I want to have a boy, pin my dream on the child, and use him to realize the dream. This is indeed a selfish and even paranoid idea.

It's a pity that fate didn't give Dad a boy, but it was all girls.

I was thinking that if the two sisters hadn't beat up the male classmate, the father might never have discovered the wrestling talent in his child.

Rather than saying that the father imposed his own wishes on the two sisters, it would be better to say that he used his discerning eyes to see the talent in the child and acted accordingly.

In my opinion, the best education is to be able to see the various possibilities in the child, rather than blindly emphasizing following the child's original heart. A child is indeed a whole person, a person with an independent personality. The original intention is important, but the task of parents is to discover and guide them, and gradually let their children know what they really want, what they are suitable for, and what they can afford.

People are lazy, and everyone will never know how good they are if they don't force themselves. If there is no talent in the child, imposing training will be in vain in the end. The world champion is a fantasy. So, I don't approve of those who scold my father for his actions. It is true that children have the right to choose what they want, but what they want may not be the best. The joy they enjoy now may not last a lifetime, and they may even regret why no one woke me up in the first place. For Greeta and Babita, it is fortunate and happy to get out of this traditional Indian society and break into the world stage.

They don't live in a big city and don't have that many possibilities. If you don't choose wrestling, you can also cultivate a variety of interests and choose a variety of careers. To see the situation of the vast majority of people from poor families, that is the greatest possibility of their fate.

Just like in China, most children in poor rural areas rely on higher education after the college entrance examination to get out of poverty. Some people say that the college entrance examination is not the only way, and learning is not suitable for everyone. You can take art exams, you can go abroad, you can start a business... Yes, but do they have the conditions?

It is easy to teach students according to their aptitude, but there are too many prerequisites to do so. Regardless of whether it works or not, whether it can really get rid of poverty or not, at least the college entrance examination is the brightest glimmer of hope.

How hard and tiring the training process is, Barabara... It's all chicken soup, so I don't need to say it.

When Greeta walked into the sports academy, she gradually forgot her past life, no longer believed in her father, began to relax, began to indulge, and slowly walked farther and farther from the gold medal.

Similar to Piaget's theory of stages of moral development, at a certain stage we obey authority and absolutely respect and obey the rules that are given us by the outside world.

So what my father said was right, what my father said was the truth, just follow it, and she started to succeed.

But then at a certain stage, we found that the world is reversible, some things are not static, the rules of this world can be changed, and there is no absolute truth.

Greeta's worship and superstition of her father no longer continue. Is her father all right? unknown. But unfortunately, she completely forgot the correct set and ignored her own characteristics. Breaking superstitions is valuable, but how can we reasonably rebuild beliefs? That's the problem.

Finally, we enter the self-discipline stage, using the moral field to analogize the development of Greeta's rebellious behavior, and finally it is time for Greeta to start to understand what is right.

Dad's set may be old-fashioned or outdated, but a cat that can catch mice is a good cat, and what suits you is the best.

Some people may say, why only gold medals?

Then why did the Chinese people get excited when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal in the Olympic Games? It can only be said that the reason is the value, the meaning. For nothing else, some people will try their best to work hard for this.

Is it narrow? I don't think so. It can also be said that the focus is on participation. But you only see the individual, not the impact of the gold medal on the country and on the will of the people.

I think, if no Chinese athlete in the Olympic history has won a gold medal, no one should say: Hey, the important thing is the Olympic spirit, participation is the most important thing, why do you want a gold medal. No way?

The development of ideas requires stages, and the desire to be dull is often after prosperity.

Remember this saying:

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

The gold medal may not be the best, but it will be the best customized goal, and it will not be too bad in the end.

Chicken soup is not good, but many people who criticize this movie keep saying that they need freedom and dreams... Many of them are imaginary, and then they will make up for it to construct a bowl of poisonous chicken soup. It's like having persecutory paranoia....

Too much.

I think this is just a movie about an ordinary but great father in the traditional Indian society who helps his children get out of the tradition and realize the value of life. They used their actions to overturn the inherent concept of traditional Indian society, telling them that girls are not necessarily worse than boys, and girls can go out of society and achieve great things. When it comes to men's rights and women's rights, I think it's also here. Being overly critical of the father seems to have distorted the value of the film. It's like a person who is a bit lacking, but prefers to use his own scale, holding a magnifying glass to magnify infinitely, and then accusing him, for what.

So, what should be done? (question mark) Is it possible. (period)

At the end of the movie, Dad failed to escape from the dark house, but Greeta still defeated a powerful opponent by himself.

I think this is how she finally got rid of her dependence on the outside world and realized her strongest self.

She really knew how to wrestle and how to be a man.

Tears welled up in my eyes when Dad said "You are my pride" during the Indian national anthem.

Which child does not live under the ardent expectations of parents, and which parent does not hold dreams for their children, whether it is their own or their children's, it is all out of love, whether it is right or wrong, they should learn to tolerate and understand, right? ?

As we sang since childhood, "We are the successors of communism". Why don't you ask why we should take over? (Do not laugh)

Too much ego is not necessarily a good thing. Besides, Dad did a good job.

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Dangal quotes

  • Mahavir's Brother: Our daughters will never win a gold without conditions.

    Mahavir Singh Phogat: Medalists do not grow on trees. You have to nurture them. With love, with hard work, with passion.

  • Mahavir Singh Phogat: Every thing that destructs their attention from wrestling, I'll destruct that damn.