A movie that combines beauty, science fiction, and space - the city of a thousand stars

Berenice 2022-04-23 07:01:57

Emmmm honestly, I didn't have much interest in that poster at first, and then the history of retro space voyage communication made me wonder if I should come to the cinema. Then! I think this movie, as another masterpiece by director Luc Besson, is still a very interesting sci-fi blockbuster. At the beginning, Miao Xing is very beautiful and blue, and the male protagonist's appearance is very popular. As a supermodel and Dai Hanhan, it can be regarded as a combination of real good looks. The city of a thousand stars, hypermarkets and other big scenes are exquisite and macroscopic, and the high-tech is also very eye-catching. Coupled with the wonderful imagination, the different characteristics of different species and specific life scenes make you have a kind of "Wow that's amazing" feeling. The story has foreshadowings and twists, and reflects the love of the male and female protagonists, which is rich in content. When it comes to the part of Rihanna, it can be said to be a surprise of the audience. The music is nice and lively, and it is invincible with the dance! Many people brushed it several times. The last thing that impressed me was the phrase "Love in depth and depth is poor" by Bubble. The interstellar science fiction highlights the warmth, and echoes the story line in it to show the correct values ​​of forgiveness and forgiveness.

Personal opinion above.

Finally, Dai Hanhan's wallpaper is still very good-looking?

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets quotes

  • Bubble: I'm afraid of a kiss, like a kiss from a bee.

  • Bubble: I know all of Shakespeare by heart.