The mass of the interstellar space station in Earth orbit has reached its limit. You top-notch beauties are easily attracted to bad boys who have seen the world like me. "I'm brave." "I'm obviously reckless." "I'm determined." "I'm stubborn, right?" "I'm loyal." "Only loyal to yourself?" doing what? The energy in this pearl is ten times more than the energy in this spaceship. Any weapon has its operator. The Muxing Transformer can reproduce any object within a limited time. "What's the shortest way to get there?" "N-northeast, 113 degrees." "That's gotta go through the wall!" If Valerian isn't found, my bullets will come to you. We understand the way humans think, and their behavior is too predictable. We never joke at work. What is the use of freedom for illegal immigrants in foreign countries? In my hometown, living is more painful than dying. Measurable love is poor. When the Pearl people are dying, they will release all the energy in their bodies, travel through time and space in the form of waves, and look for a kind host. We can forgive, but not forget. Acknowledging such a grievous mistake would cost our government dearly and require enormous financial reparations. You are your own worst enemy. Let go of the past to have the future. Mine is mine, and yours is mine. "I'm a soldier and I have to obey the military rules." "That's why I don't want to marry you, because you don't know what love is!" Love can transcend everything. She lost all her children and her own children, but she chose to forgive, which is the purest love. Love is unconditional trust. May you and your people enjoy eternal peace wherever you explore the universe. The honor of a soldier is always higher than death. A woman stays in your body all day, can't you understand women?
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