The temperature of shadow and light: Borderline Personality Disorder and Insanity Test "Report"

Lizzie 2022-04-20 09:01:38

■___________ Knowledge Key Quotes: Insanity (amentia, feeble-mindedness) Features: Mild disturbance of consciousness. Due to the tendency to fantasize, he cannot distinguish the external world from his own state. Able to be aware of their own thinking, but lack of systematic. And because the language is incoherent, it is natural to be in a state of incomprehension. If the disease progresses, it will talk nonsense, and if the disease is mild, it will tend to fantasize. Some degree of memory is generally retained for events that occurred during this period. It is characterized by fluctuating disturbances in cognition, emotion, attention, arousal, and self-perception. It can occur acutely without prior intellectual disability, or it can occur in addition to chronic intellectual disability. Main causes: metabolic or toxic causes, structural causes. "If a person has a reduced level of arousal (clouded consciousness) and cannot concentrate, he will inevitably have difficulty in correctly perceiving and analyzing various information from the environment, acquiring and remembering new information. ; he may make wrong judgments or delusions about some facts. As a result, he is unable to reason logically, has difficulty processing some signaling data (such as performing calculations or interpreting proverbs), becomes anxious and agitated, or exhibits withdrawn behavior, Paranoid or delusional thinking tendencies can occur. Can occur in people with normal brains, but is more common in cases of pre-existing brain disease such as dementia. Common causes are metabolic, toxic, Structural or infectious. Regardless of the nature of the cause, dysfunction of the arousal mechanism of the cerebral hemisphere or the reticular activation system of the thalamus and brainstem. On the basis of acute disease, if coupled with disturbed sleep, and extreme stress stimuli , can worsen delirium symptoms (eg, psychosis seen in intensive care units)." Borderline Personality Disorder Disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder characterized by strong and changeable emotions, difficulties in emotion regulation and impulse control, chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships and self-image, and divided defense mechanisms. There are often comorbidities, with various manifestations of neurosis, such as anxiety, fear, severe depression, and hallucinations and delusions similar to psychosis. Clinical symptoms: strong and changeable emotions, chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships and self-image, etc. Effects: It can impair the patient's social functioning, such as poor interpersonal relationships, extreme emotional outbursts, suicidal self-harm behavior, etc. Etiology: The disease is related to genetic and environmental factors. Borderline personality disorder has no such subtype in my country's "Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria for Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition" (CCMD3). Affective disorders, schizophrenia, neurosis, etc. And this should begin in childhood or adolescence, not in adulthood. The diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is difficult to some extent, and the important reason is the high comorbidity rate with other mental disorders, especially with affective disorders. Due to the development of the psychoanalytic school and the accumulated case studies, it has become one of the mainstream research topics in the international psychiatry community, and it has gone hand in hand with research on schizophrenia, mood disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. ■___________Keywords summary: Low level of awareness and attention, disorder of consciousness, paranoid delusions; identity disorder, unstable self-recognition, low self-esteem or idealization; feelings of abandonment, easy dependence and lack of security; Delusions, inability to articulate clearly, misperceptions, inability to make appropriate stress responses, delirium in severe cases; neurosis, deep depression, agitation, withdrawal, fear, severe emptiness, weak self-control and emotion regulation; social personality and lack of response , affective disorders, extreme emotions. Low social adaptability, deviant or antisocial tendencies; disordered habits and sense of time; impulsive or self-destructive behavior. Borderline Personality Disorder "Prone to depersonalization in stressful situations, involving ideas such as transient or situational delusions or hallucinations that seem to have a basis in reality, generally mild and short-lived , the mental stress can be relieved quickly after the release of mental stress, and antipsychotic drugs are also effective.” Mental disorders belong to the tendency to have pathological reactions, and the manifestations are shallower than those of mental disorders. ■___________ film review: The film is based on a "borderline insanity" The patient's autobiographical novel, which has two different names at the two publishing houses, "The Light in the Refrigerator", or "The Girl Who Lost Her Mind Map". And the director of this film has participated in "Flying Over the Cuckoo's Nest" This film is a more secretive and difficult female version of a psychological film. Although they all take place in the same place as a mental hospital, the former has an anti-establishment tendency and is the theme of promoting human rights, while the latter is completely out of the imitation of mental illness. After understanding the relevant knowledge about this disease, I will more agree with the director's shooting method, and the switching of the situation is more in line with the performance characteristics of this disease, but in many movies, emotions, expressions, and body movements are always different from reality. A tendency to be rigid, rushed, exaggerated, or less informative (one-size-fits-all, downplaying process). The content of this film captures the more marginal reactions of several different diseases, and the psychological knowledge embodied is the application of Freud's psychoanalysis, or the application of social psychology and abnormal psychology. Based on the social background of the development of Western psychology in the twentieth century. Although Freud was a pioneer in dealing with difficult problems, his theory was shocking, but very narrow. And the adaptation or application of the film makes it appear gloomy, dark, and unreasonable in theory, which inevitably leads to misreading or negative effects. The film depicts the friendships, choices, and life choices of the first heroine portrayed in a group of marginalized women in isolation. In this film, there is Suzanne, who is borderline deranged and has impulsive behavior (exist? , there is incredible to eat silently? daisy. As well as other characters who weaken the relationship between the disease and assist the development of the plot, the leader Georgina (I don't really understand this one), the cool Janet, the male nurse, the female black head nurse, etc. I have to say that the director's choice is more contradictory and beyond the basic reality. On the one hand, it is very taboo, and on the other hand, it emotionally expresses the ordinary background and trauma of these patients' characters. As a result, there is a sense of incongruity in the connection between emotional development and special events. It seems that these problems can also be generated by ordinary people, which generalizes the particularity of characters and the particularity of behavioral responses. They are so special that it is difficult to understand with general thinking logic. Mental illness is not a few heart-to-heart conversations, such a deep interaction experience can establish a similar response mode and communication bridge with the average person. Sometimes, even I think, those thinking blocks and performances are due to stupidity. These figures look like anti-social youths with special problems. There is a scene where a group of them go out to the store in the winter and run into the wife and daughter of another of Susannah's object, a married professor, and then the group of people swears at the table, which makes people feel that Susannah This kind of bystander sneer is shameful, and everyone in this scene is particularly shameless. What exactly is true cleanliness. Good looking? Doesn't look rude and decadent? Don't swear, keep doing justice? The ideology is not cloudy and chaotic? If you are not a good brand, you are pure and thoughtful, wise and beautiful, or you are not a minimal coquettish person, but you are worthy of admiration and worship. It is not rough but not lacking, and the darling who is depressed but always has a way out is worthy of praise. It's not just positive energy, it's not an appearance... It's really hard to be a human being. The formation of human perseverance and wisdom sometimes means damage, injury, exhaustion, easy decay, and especially the loss of spirituality. For diseases similar to those stated in the first statement, there can only be one idea—to uproot the root of the disease that the environment has planted in the self, and to resist that distortion and distortion. The study of man itself has indeed opened up a new world, but this does not mean that we understand ourselves better than the past, or have more meaning. From an objective point of view, existence itself is a meaningless activity. This is a kind of Close to the point of view of nihilism or realism, and human beings exist in activities, there are forces and perceptions generated by the germinative and diffused creation and interaction. Sometimes I think this makes people more aware of their vulnerability and sensitivity, and some subtle feelings and changes are intertwined in social activities, or perception and expression. The study of man is a more concrete and smaller world, which is close to the methods of ancient philosophy, but more irrational. It is like the rising of shadows, just like when the door is opened, there are many shadows that are reproduced, there are positive ego, the id with meta-energy, and there are many dark shadows, they are on the same level . The truth is universal and stable, while the tendency to oppose the theorem is fluid. In the chords of the virtual and the real, close to the new standard answer that grows. However, this does not mean that we know ourselves better than we have in the past, or have more meaning. Objectively speaking, existence itself is a meaningless activity, which is a view close to nihilism or realism, and people Existing in the activity, there is the power and perception generated by the germinative and diffused creation and interaction. Sometimes I think this makes people more aware of their vulnerability and sensitivity, and some subtle feelings and changes are intertwined in social activities, or perception and expression. The study of man is a more concrete and smaller world, which is close to the methods of ancient philosophy, but more irrational. It is like the rising of shadows, just like when the door is opened, there are many shadows that are reproduced, there are positive ego, the id with meta-energy, and there are many dark shadows, they are on the same level . The truth is universal and stable, while the tendency to oppose the theorem is fluid. In the chords of the virtual and the real, close to the new standard answer that grows. However, this does not mean that we know ourselves better than we have in the past, or have more meaning. Objectively speaking, existence itself is a meaningless activity, which is a view close to nihilism or realism, and people Existing in the activity, there is the power and perception generated by the germinative and diffused creation and interaction. Sometimes I think this makes people more aware of their vulnerability and sensitivity, and some subtle feelings and changes are intertwined in social activities, or perception and expression. The study of man is a more concrete and smaller world, which is close to the methods of ancient philosophy, but more irrational. It is like the rising of shadows, just like when the door is opened, there are many shadows that are reproduced, there are positive ego, the id with meta-energy, and there are many dark shadows, they are on the same level . The truth is universal and stable, while the tendency to oppose the theorem is fluid. In the chords of the virtual and the real, close to the new standard answer that grows.

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Girl, Interrupted quotes

  • Daisy: You're just jealous, Lisa... because I got better... because I was released... because I have a chance... at a life.

    Lisa: They didn't release you 'cause you're better, Daisy, they just gave up. You call this a life, hmm? Taking Daddy's money, buying your dollies and your knick-knacks. And eating his fucking chicken, fattening up like a prize fucking heifer? You changed the scenery, but not the fucking situation - and the warden makes house calls. And everybody knows. Everybody knows. That he fucks you. What they don't know... is that you like it. Hmm? You like it.

    Susanna: [to Lisa] Shut the fuck up!

    Lisa: [to Susanna] Hey man, it's cool, it's okay. It's fine, it's fucking fine! A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken... is a dad... a Valium, a speculum, whatever, whatever.

    [then turns to Daisy]

    Lisa: You like being Mrs. Randone. Probably all you've ever known.

    Daisy: Have fun in Florida.

    [she goes upstairs to her room]

  • Janet: I want my fucking clothes!

    Valerie: Then you'll have to eat something, won't you?

    Janet: [singing] Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' cotton / Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' hay / Gotta jump down spin around pick a bale o' cotton / Jump down spin around, pick a bale o' hay...

    Valerie: [to Susanna] She thinks that bothers me.