Learn Earth Pulse One

Kacie 2022-04-21 09:01:54

The male emperor penguin, the polar regions have no sun for four months at minus 70°C, the polar bear, the caribou make the arctic tundra which is the longest land migration in the animal kingdom, the taiga taiga marks the beginning of the forest, the far eastern leopard, the flower-faced duck, the bird of paradise, Seals, Great White Sharks, Elephants, African Buffaloes, Red Antelopes, African Wild Dogs, Impalas, Mountain: The Danagir Depression in Ethiopia is located on the Earth's surface in the Great Rift Valley, where the inland plates separate 100 meters deep. Ete Ale volcano has been erupting the longest volcano for 100 years. The same volcanic action created the Ethiopian Plateau (Roof of Africa). Andes in South America, alpacas, cougars. Avalanches travel at 250 mph (one mile equals 1.6 kilometers). American Rocky Mountains, grizzly bears, moths. The Matterhorn in the Alps, Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Western Europe. A glacier plus rock equals a glacier, and the glacier cave is a cylindrical shaft that is cut into the depths of the glacier by melting ice water. The Bartolo Glacier is located in the Karakoram Mountains in Pakistan, the largest hill glacier in the world, K2 peak, markhor goat, snow leopard and the rarest animal in the Himalayas. The Himalayas occupy one-tenth of the circumference of the earth, formed by the collision of continental plates. The warm wind from India is loaded with water vapor and the updraft is gradually cooled by the Himalayas. The monsoon rain has turned into snow. The mountain range in China starts from the east. Giant pandas only eat bamboo and have insufficient nutrition and fat, so they cannot hibernate. Sichuan golden monkeys, Asian pheasants, musk deer, red pandas, and blue-robed cranes cross the Himalayas and reach the wintering places in India. close relationship.

Fresh water: Venezuela's flat-topped mountains, Angel Falls nearly 1000 meters, lacewings, gnats, spiny prawns, Japanese giant salamander - the largest amphibian receptors for water pressure changes, salmon, the largest freshwater fish migrating the entire northern hemisphere, the Colorado River in Arizona Gorge, Indian otter, four meters of Ganga crocodile, Mara River through the East African plain, 2 million wildebeest across the Serengeti plain, five meters of Nile crocodile, there are three large freshwater lakes in the East African Rift Valley: Lake Malawi (the most species-rich and smallest but still > Wales), Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria. Cichlid fish mouth guard fry, long-jawed fish electric field, secluded mosquito. The world's largest lake, Lake Baikal in Eastern Siberia, is one-fifth of the total fresh water, freshwater seals, and sponges like undersea forests. The largest river, the Amazon, is the sum of the remaining nine. It originates from the Peruvian Andes, crosses the mountains through Brazil, and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The basin is 1/3 of South America. , The finless porpoise echolocation, the Iguazu Falls on the Brazil-Argentina border is 1.5 miles wide, the lower part of the river. Paraná River, the largest wetland in the Pantanal swamp, 2-meter wide leaves of the king lotus, red-bellied sawtooth, spectacled caiman, fig tree, tiger in the Maha tetra river, pink spoonbill. The largest delta at the confluence of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in Bangladesh, the Kongdelbans mangrove forest, and the amphibian life of cynomolgus monkeys in Indonesia. The low temperature sediment deposited in the estuary is covered with fertile habitat by salt marsh aquatic plants, Atlantic snow geese.

Caves: Swallow Cave, Mexico's largest deep cave at 400 meters, cave fireflies, limestone deposited by minerals in conch coral, stone forest in Halong Bay, Vietnam, stone towers in Borneo, the largest underground river channel in Borneo, deer cave, dog-nose bats, cockroaches , The pure white bird's nest of the scorpion, the manta harrier, and the golden swallow's nest is the same price per gram of silver as the bird's nest soup. Water-soluble calcium carbonate is deposited in the air as calcite and accumulates in stalactites suspended on the top of the cave. If the water droplets are fast, they will be deposited on the ground to form stalagmites. The two meet to form stone pillars, the Carlsbad cave in North America. Maya, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, the swamp cave is the entrance to the underground cave, the halocline is the intersection of fresh water and salt water, and the salt water does not dissolve limestone. Sea caves, damselfish, walleye, and snakes with "hot eyes" on the head of Slope Knightsway reefs in New Zealand are full of sea caves. Cave dwelling animals have lost skin pigment, eyes have degenerated, evolved skin detectors and exogenous gills, Thai cave angelfish, cave dwelling childlike river salamander, Belize white crab. The water flowing out of the cave of Villa Luz in Mexico was dyed white by sulfuric acid. Hydrogen sulfide gas overflowed from oil and gas reservoirs in the earth's crust and reacted with oxygen in the water to form sulfuric acid. The cave dwelling on sail fins and snotite droplets of sulfuric acid are actually large colonies that absorb energy from hydrogen sulfide gas. The extremophile is the first link of the food chain in this hole, feeding the gnat larvae. Agave Cave, the crunchy crystals are composed of gypsum minerals deposited by calcium sulfate, and the sulfuric acid also leaves gypsum when dissolving limestone, lighting the hall. The phenomenon that life is completely separated from the energy of the sun and still exists.

Deserts: 1/3 of the land, the Siberian cold wind sweeps across the Mongolian Gobi Desert +50/-40, there are less than 1,000 wild Bactrian camels, the largest area of ​​the Sahara Desert in Africa is equivalent to the largest dust source in the United States, dromedary camels, reptile scales Hell stings the sand, only the top part of the dune has not moved for 5,000 years, the desert setting, the stone cone used to be part of a whole rocky highland, the red kangaroo, the driest continent in Australia, rises five degrees every hour, the surface 70 degrees, apply saliva on the forearm because the superficial vascular network evaporates and absorbs heat to cool the blood, the thermal image blue is cooler, the deep soil is drilled, the African ear fox dissipates heat, the toad has water-permeable skin, most of the small desert animals are nocturnal animals, intelligence Atta The Kama Desert is the driest. Camels in South America eat cactus flowers to get water. Cold ocean currents cool down the warm and humid air above to form clouds of fog and haze. The wind brings them to the near land. The fog condenses into dew, and wet lichens are like sponges. Absorbs water, sometimes it rains in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, bian (bian) is a giant cactus plant, with long shallow roots that absorb water, and the folds on the stem quickly expand to store 5 tons to survive months of drought, orange Waisted woodpeckers, long-nosed bats, long-tongued bats, ancient rivers in Utah that pierce rock walls to widen canyons, chisel the earth into pinnacles, Nubian ibex, rams of dominion, have a flock of loyal ewes who don't have to waste time looking for mates It is the mates who have to do only to ensure that they are healthy and strong, the lizard desert expert, the flat stone lizard's abdomen color competition, the gnat (rui) feathering, the elephant, the lion can't climb the dunes, the longhorn, the death valley, the lowest and driest in North America. In some places, desert locust eggs hatch underground for 20 years, the nymphs crawl around and the adults fly, and the locust cloud travels against the wind.

ICE WORLDS: When the world of ice and snow actually appeared in front of them, they felt a shock beyond words. The Antarctic area is about the same as the United States, and 90% of the world's ice. Adelie penguins (birds) males sing love songs and mate together in a statue-like posture. After mating, they lay eggs for a few weeks. Live for a few more days. The female penguin comes back with food in her mouth to hand over the little penguins to eat small fish and squid, bare rocks, red feces, snow petrels, skuas, humpback whales, bubble net scale shrimp, aurora borealis; arctic eider ducks, ice Inter-lake currents lead to mussels, arctic foxes, musk ox, ptarmigan, arctic wolves, polar bears, the largest terrestrial carnivore, global warming, and the premature death of summer, migratory birds, small puffins, similar to Antarctic penguins, sand dunes Crane, the largest seal of the walrus, weighs one ton and one meter long with ivory.

GREAT PLAINS: The sparse-tree prairie in Central Asia spans one-third of the earth, the eagle hovers on the thermal air, the Mongolian gazelle in the outer Mongolian prairie, the base of the grass stem has a strong self-protection ability, the red-billed quelia finches 1.5 billion most birds, wildebeest, arctic tundra, snow geese, arctic fox, arctic wolf, caribou, savannah, bison, wilde prairie, wild ass, pika, groundpecker and snowfinch dove The magpie's nest gives a letter, the Tibetan fox, the warm and humid air in the south is raised by the Himalayas and becomes a cumulonimbus cloud India is full of vitality, the tallest elephant grass, the Bengal bustard, the smallest herbivorous mammal, the ji pig, the rarest and the smallest wild boar, the leading old female Like, baboons live year-round in rainwater catchments.

JUNGLES: Blue Bird of Paradise, Papua New Guinea, Rifle Bird of Paradise, Six-Plume Bird of Paradise, ornate Bird of Paradise, the more distinctive it is, the more it will attract attention, two percent of the sunlight can reach the surface, blood tungsten, broad-leaved trees , tree canopy, tamarin, fig fruit all year round, spider monkey, squirrel monkey, capuchin monkey, howler monkey, simian monkey, orangutan, frogs can only hear the same sound, red-eyed leaf frog, rainforest average year Precipitation is 2 tons, the largest virgin rainforest in the Amazon, fallen leaves form humus, slime mold amoeba works with bacteria and lichens, nutrients in the soil are washed away by water, fungi use underground mycelium to connect to tree roots and eat dead plants to help Trees directly supply the minerals needed by trees. Beetles, ants, bullet ants, spores of Cordyceps invade the brain, and the entities of Cordyceps grow out of the heads of ants. wu) Monkey, Nepenthes is also known as the inner lip nectary secretion of pitcher plant to lure water biochemical enzymes, red crab spiders live in Nepenthes and hang themselves with silk threads to take advantage of the fisherman without weaving a net to eat half, In Congo, Africa, forest elephants eat minerals in the soil. Clay can also absorb and neutralize toxins in leaves. Forest red bull, red river wild boar, bongo antelope, Uganda, and African chimpanzees will eat enemy children, probably for extra protein. . Prosperity and decline.

SHALLOW SEAS: Humpback whales produce polar predation in equatorial shallow waters, eat 3 tons of scale shrimp a day and store fat. If you are lucky, 70 round trips. Coral reefs are the product of coral polyps. The Great Barrier Reef is composed of 2000 independent coral reefs. A symbiotic algae, the smallest two centimeters in the pygmy seahorse, fire clams, giant ringed sea snakes, yellow salamanders, quicksand, bream, jawfish, mimic octopus, green turtles, and seaweed are the only flowering plants that grow in the sea, The largest grassy sea is in Shark Bay in Western Australia, the largest herbivore in the dugong ocean, like bottlenose dolphins, riding the waves, shallow sea fishing, stranded danger, luck comes from courage, Bahrain Gobi Desert, black-throated cormorants, single algae produce atmosphere four Three-thirds of oxygen, salps, ctenophores, prawns are the most numerous animals on earth by weight, a group of 2 million tons, sea lions, dark spotted dolphins, coastal California, nutrients and sunshine kelp forests Three-story buildings half a meter high per day Growth, purple sea urchin 5 teeth eat seaweed fixator become desolate, sunflower starfish eat snaketail starfish, cake sea urchin, southern Africa Cape of Good Hope, seal, calamari that is squid, wide pleated squid, stingray, South African tiger head shark, great white shark largest Predatory fish with high metabolism only live in cold seas, fur seals, emperor penguins, fur seals eat scale shrimp and penguins, and water juveniles.

SEASONAL FORESTS: The area of ​​Taiga coniferous forest is the sum of all tropical rain forests, one third of the world. Lynx belongs to a kind of cat family. Caribou feed on coniferous forests, cross-beaked birds, wolverines, Nordic ptarmigan, hemlock, Douglas fir, giant sequoia, California redwood forest The world's top three tall trees, pine marten, squirrel, Ulin, General Sherman tree, ten blue whales heavy, bristlecone pine with the longest life span of 5,000 years , "Monkey Fan" Araucaria, Conure, Intellectual Cypress, Chilean Pudu deer, the smallest deer, South American forest cat, Moth. In the broad-leaved forest, the nymphs of mandarin ducks and blued cicadas go underground for 17 years, climb the trees to emerge into cicadas, mate and lay eggs and die, and wait for another 17 years. A feline, on the one hand, the fall of leaves is because the cold winter slows down the metabolism, on the other hand, in the hot and dry season, the trees cannot bear the massive loss of water from the leaves. The long flowers of the cloth tree can open in one minute, and the smallest primate of the rat lemur, the hornworm, gathers nectar to complete the pollination.

OCEAN DEEP: Whale shark largest fish eat plankton, bait fish (fish as bait), yellowfin tuna, manta ray eat plankton, pelagic white tip shark, diversion fish, banana fish, true dolphin sonar, bamboo clip mackerel , Mammoth, sailfish, sea snow are small organic debris produced by creatures on the ocean surface, spider crabs, sawtooth eels, flying elephant octopus, ghost octopus, vampire squid from hell, foot pouches, luminous microbial tentacles that attract and protect the head, riverbed , sea urchin, shrimp, monkfish with bait, seafloor crack sulfide 400 ℃ highly toxic, bacteria, shrimp, dragon volcanic belt, crayfish (belonging to crab), volcanic chimney, tube-dwelling worm The longest marine invertebrate animal, volcano Eruptions lead to underwater mountains, soft corals, sea whips, giant sponges, nautilus swimming upside down to eat a monthly meal, Atlantic spotted dolphins, isolated island volcanoes on the seabed, volcanoes forcing ocean currents to bring nutrients to the surface, ocean wanderers Sunfish, coral fish, butterfly fish, Ascension Island, one of the lightest seabirds of frigatebirds, silly boobies, green turtles, sailfish change color blue with markings black warn companions to beware of confusing bait fish, the largest blue whale Animals 200 tons of crustacean scale shrimp eat several tons of seawater in a mouthful and then filter 4 million scale shrimp every day, leaving only 9,000 of 300,000.

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