An interesting detail, I don't know if you have found this little easter egg

Daphney 2022-04-21 09:01:48

I was so excited when I saw it, comrades. . It was when the Bakken brothers set themselves on fire and JD appeared that Satan's face actually appeared in the clouds behind.

So at first I thought that Bakken would really evolve something, but it turned out to be cannon fodder, the picture above! !

I rely on the original can not be on the picture ah ok. .
It was that Bakken who looked up after reading nine passwords and found that JD was coming, and then the cloud behind JD was that the devil had appeared, but he didn't know if it was Satan.

If you can't upload the picture, please go back and have a look.

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The Ninth Gate quotes

  • Baroness Kessler: They think they owe their wealth and success to membership in the Order.

  • Boris Balkan: Our relations have always been strictly commercial, and that's the way I like it. The professional and the personal should be mutually exclusive.

    Dean Corso: Listen, I came here to do some business, not shoot the breeze. If you want to expound your personal philosophies, write another book.