What is love

Donna 2022-04-21 09:01:58

For more than two hundred years, generations of immigrants have come here to escape the old world of the past. Passing by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and on the Long Beach Harbor in Los Angeles, all the people who come here to live here believe that no matter how poor and humble their origins are, as long as they rely on their hard work and unremitting pursuit, One day we will always get everything we feel we deserve: wealth, status, respect, love. Everyone who lives here, like Gatsby, "believes in that green light, that perfect future that fades away from us year by year. We couldn't catch him before, but it doesn't matter: tomorrow we'll run faster. , stretched our hands farther, and there was always that morning when we struggled forward, sailing against the current, constantly being pushed into the past.”

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Mud quotes

  • Galen: I know I'm just your uncle, not a parent, but uh, you can tell me things if need to.

    Neckbone: I can tell you this helmet smells like my duck butter.

  • [last lines]

    Tom: [to Mud] Come on, son. You gotta see this.