Observe with the eyes, interpret with the heart, express with the fist

Abby 2022-04-20 09:01:40

On a rest day, one person can sit still while watching a literary film, no one interrupts you to communicate with you, and you can feel the film itself better.
Halfway through the film, I wanted to call a good friend to recommend it.
The realistic style of the film can easily make you feel a sense of substitution, the adventures of good friends, the understanding of life, family, society and love in the youthful era, very traditional values.
But the director's value judgment of mud killing for love subverts the traditional moral view: "killing for true love is HERO", it is estimated that this guy is a diehard Western movie. Especially the shootout at the riverside hut at the end of the film, the westerns are full of flavor, what, where did the police go? Then I ask you where did the plane go? Pros and cons, what about the Justice League? When did Westerns care about these things? All we want is a gunfight. ONE ON ONE~
When I was 13 or 4 years old, everyone had such a good friend around. Alice and Nycoburn, good friends, do you like them very much? Nycoburn, such a good friend is like a good brother of you and me. No matter whether your decision is good or bad, he will always accompany you with a reluctant expression after giving you objective advice. You together,''Let's go! "Dude"
about the family background of Elise and Nye Cockburn, to be honest, there is nothing to say about the highlights, Elise's parents are divorced, Nye Cockburn and Uncle Liyi Guitar live, plain life, surrounded by people They are unreliable adults. All these good friends have so much time to participate in the adventure of MUD.
My favorite is Elles, who is the director's expression of life's understanding and the real man in his heart. The prototype, looks like a 14-year-old Xiao Zhengtai, with a pair of calm eyes, observing everything around him: the cold war of his parents, the girl he likes (should be the older sister Yu), the footprints on the beach... and the MUD enemy forces It's completely the same as FBI agent Fan
Youmuyou. Everything that Ailes observes in his eyes goes into his heart, and he decomposes it according to his own values ​​to get his own sense of the value of the world.
Seeing the girl you like being molested, rushing over to the cheap guy is just punching in the face, punching first, and then asking questions again. Love this expression. The director's understanding of men is this: speak with fists, not mouths.
Ailes's father and MUD also gave him two extreme values ​​and advice on women and love, but Ailes did not respond verbally to the two. I have my own judgments and thoughts on things in my heart, and I don’t necessarily have to share them with others. I don’t expect you to accept my values, but please shut up. I have the right to keep my thoughts.

The director uses films to express his understanding of life and masculine archetypes. He observes his surroundings with his eyes, thinks and filters with his heart, and expresses his anger with his fists.
In fact, the key point that the film is easy to ignore is also the deep expression of life in the film is "spiritual rebirth and nirvana": when you calmly observe the world, abide by your own values, and simply wave your fist to express anger at dissatisfaction, life will always give You return a heavy punch that is greater than your attacking power. After being knocked down, you find the helplessness and cruelty of reality, and you almost lose your insistence on the unique values ​​that you abide by.
Just like in the film Ailes was bitten by a poisonous snake and deceived by a girl, all the blows were fierce and cruel. However, there are always good friends around, and there are always people to guide and redeem you. When the tide and the poisonous heat passed, you still maintained your pure heart. Looking back, all the viciousness was just a flash of smoke. The unbearable pain I felt is now only empty shelves, not worth mentioning. Did you notice that at the end of the film, Ailes saw the faint smile of the new neighbor's sister? It wasn't the obscenity smile of a teenager, it was the contemptuous response of a tenacious heart after experiencing pain. If I wanted to add subtitles, it would be: "Hey! God, can you make something more spicy? Like this, I don't like it anymore, my brother is already a phoenix. "
Yes, Ailes, tell life with your fist who you are and who is the boss of your life"

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Mud quotes

  • Galen: I know I'm just your uncle, not a parent, but uh, you can tell me things if need to.

    Neckbone: I can tell you this helmet smells like my duck butter.

  • [last lines]

    Tom: [to Mud] Come on, son. You gotta see this.