child's love

Reagan 2022-04-19 09:01:50

The story should be told and laid out slowly to be fascinating enough. The same is true for movies, and "Sludge" does it. The layout at the beginning, but there is no hidden mystery behind it. The content is simple, the plot is also bland, and there is no climax. There are too many close-ups of the characters, and the characters are a little dull. Big Boy and Little Boy are more like two fathers and sons, with similar personalities, and Little Boy seems to follow Big Boy's life path. "When a child realizes that love is no longer so flawless, he really grows up." The comment is really in place. Sighing Ailes's courage, he felt ashamed.

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Mud quotes

  • Galen: I know I'm just your uncle, not a parent, but uh, you can tell me things if need to.

    Neckbone: I can tell you this helmet smells like my duck butter.

  • [last lines]

    Tom: [to Mud] Come on, son. You gotta see this.