Only a little idea

Van 2022-04-24 06:01:01

I watched some parts of this American comedy by jumping,
but I watched some parts over and over again.
There is some joy, some regret, and some warmth and comfort.
Forgive me for only watching the story of Laura and Mark. I only remembered it. There is their picture

Mark I'm bleeding...
When the camera slows down, when the groaning male voice comes out slowly...
Under the heavy snow, we didn’t say anything along the way . I knew your body was in. My heart hurts and my heart hurts
. Your smile in the morning, your tears at the wedding,
forget it.
Thank you for being by my side and
not here. Where can I be?

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What to Expect When You're Expecting quotes

  • Vic: I didn't use to call it that, but once you've seen a baby come out of there, trust me, it's a vagina!

  • Gary: [to Wendy] Sweet bird of paradise! Was that you?