Feelings after watching the first season of "Newsroom"

Amos 2022-11-06 09:00:41

Note: The feelings are mainly focused on emotional drama and character creation

. 1. At the beginning, I really liked the heroine Mac, and I loved it so much. Later, as her excessive idealism and hysterical shouting began to decline, her favorability began to decline. But until the end, she still liked her the most among the main female characters. There is no reason not to like a woman who is both capable and good-looking and who is like a warrior and who can act like a baby. In the last episode, she was really in love when the two were fighting and arguing in front of Will's bed, just like an old couple. Why don't the two people who have been in love with each other hurry to get together again! The reason must not be Will's betrayed heart knot but the suspense that the screenwriter has left for the second season.

2. Compared to the female protagonist Mac, I didn’t have a good impression of the male protagonist Will at first... (Although the Chase’s remarks about why the United States is not the greatest country in the world in the first episode are really handsome), I later thought that The man became more interesting. When bouncing up from the hospital bed, pulling out the pipe and spraying lines, there is a feeling that the old man is talking about juvenile crazy, but the positioning of this character is basically such a routine-a cavity of heat in the sorrow of the past and the shadow of loneliness The appearance was covered up, and then because of the "world is full of love" inspired by the people around him, he started a young man's journey. Throughout the whole show, I said that my favorite CP, except for the old boss and Will, must be Will and Mac. What a rare thing it is for a powerful man and a powerful woman to love each other again. You will think that this is just right for two people like this standing side by side. Let women like Maggie die.

3. Next, I will talk about Maggie. To be honest, I liked her very much in the first episode, a reckless little girl who is not confident in feelings, but has a loyalty and perseverance-I like this kind of imperfect but imperfect girl. A real and touching girl. But after seeing it, as Jim mixed in, I found that this person is an out-and-out bitch. God, why does there exist a woman like Maggie? If I had been Lisa, I would have slapped her to death. He said that we were just friends, but prevented other people's love affair in every possible way, and set up a memorial to advertise that he was sincere to Don. Don't you pretend to be pure with round eyes, is it disgusting, isn't it? I have to admit that in the last episode, I was splashed with water and rushed to the car to speak the truth. It happened to be heard by Jim in the car. If I changed it to someone else, it would be punctual, but Maggie is a bitch. With this ability-in the next second, he hung up Jim's phone call to Don's "begging for cohabitation" and showed an idiotic and idiotic smirk. Who do you love? ! I just said I love Jim, so why do I look happy at Don? I can only say that if Maggie this woman is not refined, she has made up her mind to eat in the bowl and dominate the pot and harm the two men and their girlfriends. Jim is a good guy, so is Don. But she is not.

4. Jim is my favorite male character at the beginning of the play. From temperament to character, basically full marks. But how can you listen to the slander of the self-righteous old woman Mac and really like Maggie? ! Where is she attractive? ! Since Jim fell in love with Maggie, I have nothing to say, and my indecision has been shown, and my status in my mind has plummeted. When Jim told Lisa that I wanted to pursue you again from the beginning, I felt like the sky opened my eyes, thinking that Jim had finally changed his mind and turned his back into the dark, but was turned into the ditch again by Mac's sentence. Mac, Will is really right, how many lives do you have to harm before you can wash your hands? Don't mess with Mandarin Duck Book!

5. Don. is the opposite of Jim. In the first episode, he was a hatred character, but at the end of the show, he was already the top two male characters I love. The opportunity to change him 180 degrees is the end of the fourth episode. The sentence "Only a doctor can declare her death, but the news can't" instantly ignited me. That was the first time that I watched this play and burned with a spirit. Like Will said, Don, you fucking are a real newsman. The second time I was burned to be Don again, announcing the death of Bin Laden to the captain on the plane-"We just reported this news." Damn it, how could Sloan not fall in love with you? Strong business and the soul of news, but not as benchmarking as the male protagonist-Don, you are a good man, don't waste your life on Maggie.

Here I want to say more about Don and Maggie's feelings. It's true that the two of them are separated, but I think Don may not love Maggie that much. At the beginning, Maggie cared about Don more, and Don basically didn't care much. Of course, after Jim appeared, Don felt threatened and competitive, and began to tighten his nerves and participate in the Maggie battle (Don’s sentence "Am I losing Maggie?" to Sloan really made my heart tremble...) . Maybe Don just doesn't want to lose Maggie, just like he doesn't want to lose other things.

6. Indian brother. The top two of my favorite male characters are him and Don. They have perfect points and full blood. The Indian boy was so handsome in the episode of the Egyptian Riot, it made my heart and soul soon melted (especially when the punch hit the monitor. ), when it comes to Bigfoot, it's too cute. The most commendable thing is that the girls are constantly but never get together with the misty men and women above. They are refreshing and refreshing without taking away a cloud. I also like this. And compared to Don, whose hairline is too high, who is in danger of getting lucky in advance, the Indian guy is definitely handsome.

7. Sloan. is the type of women with high IQ and low EQ that I don't like. In the previous episodes, I didn't have any sense of existence. The episode in which the Fukushima nuclear power plant reported the accident even made me feel that this girl was a bit stupid, and she couldn't ignite me just by adding chaos. But in the last episode, her confession to Don suddenly reversed her image in my heart-not that I like Don and she likes me and I like her, but her confession made me see what I thought The kind of thing that she lacks, a kind of emotional intelligence is more a kind of emotion. High IQ girls add this kind of thing and instantly become my favorite type. Rejecting the annual salary of 4 million yuan, and facing Don who reunited with Maggie, she still stayed firmly. Perhaps she is the person who can best represent the ideals of journalism-from a non-disciplinary background, giving up the temptation of a lot of money and reputation, even love No, but I want to do what I want to do, I want to fly high in this line. And that career is news, the spirit of journalism, and tell the truth.

8. Lisa. The fourth corner soy sauce roommate who appeared to make the relationship between Maggie, Don, and Jim more chaotic, but I like her, she and Maggie is the difference between a good girl and a bitch. Finding that a man does not love himself, he will retreat when he retreats, never entangle him, give in to his good friend and sincerely wish her, but when he sees a turning point, he can be brave and decisive to pursue his own happiness. The girl is amazing, it is his loss for Jim not to choose you. If I were you, facing Maggie in the restaurant would be more than just turning around and leaving, so I would have to splash a glass of water on her face.

This is the end of emotional drama and character complaints. If we say that there are a lot of thoughts on the theme of the news ideals and journalism at the beginning, after watching ten episodes, there is nothing to say because the repetition it wants to talk about is that little thing. Making news, making real news, is not to please the audience and advertisers, but to guide people with the truth. A metaphor of Don Quixote runs through and through. It's just that. In China, it may not be so simple with the courage and determination of Don Quixote. We can only do our best to retain our conscience, respect the truth, and refuse distortion and vanity-even if we pay any price for this. . If this is the case, there is no need to say more.

Finally, there is one detail that still impresses me. At the end of the film, the girl who asked "What makes America the greatest country in the world" at the beginning of the first episode came to the evening news as an intern. Will gave this answer: "You do." What can make a country great is never an illusory creed or system, but the people and every individual of this country. It is you. Only if you stick to your ideals, your conscience, do your best for your career, and work hard for your compatriots, can you truly make your country great. Not only journalists, but every industry is the same.

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