A hilarious and thought-provoking film

Wilfrid 2022-04-21 09:01:27

Charlo, played by Chaplin, was lying on a statue at the ceremony with the theme of "Peace and Prosperity" at the beginning, and all kinds of behaviors were hilarious. Later, I met a blind flower girl and a rich man who tried to jump into a river. The series of things that happened around them sometimes had some unexpected and sudden behaviors. Memories of the rich man, of Charlo, the arrogance and rudeness of the housekeeper James; the poverty and helplessness of the flower girl and her grandmother. The rich man spends a lot of money, and everyone's clothes, food, etc. at the dance are compared with the flower girl who can't pay the rent. It is ironic to think of the "prosperity" at the beginning of the film. Prosperity is only the prosperity of a few people, and the people who live in poverty, hardship and disappointment are the majority.

Many of the reversals are very interesting, although there is no dialogue, but through their performances, it seems that you can hear what they say, and the soundtrack also blends well with it. In the end, when Charlo gave the "large sum" that the rich man gave him to the flower girl, he was very moved when she asked her to pay the rent and treat her eyes. It is also ironic that he was arrested by the police station after turning around and going out Charlo. The police felt very casual in arresting people. Charlo, who was finally released from prison, was ragged and without a cane, and when he met the flower girl whose eyes had been cured, his identity seemed to be reversed. When the flower girl didn't recognize him, she said "I seem to have an admirer" to the person next to her. I always felt that the ending about the relationship between Charlo and the Flower Girl wouldn't necessarily work out. At that time, in her eyes, he was a different rich man, and she was a poor and blind flower girl; at this time, she already owned her own flower shop and had her glasses cured. At that time, the impulse that made her heart beat and wished to marry him immediately might turn into pure gratitude.

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City Lights quotes

  • The Tramp: You can see now?

    A Blind Girl: Yes, I can see now.

  • The Tramp: Tomorrow the birds will sing.