sweet heart

Sammy 2021-12-30 17:21:15

The beginning is very pleasing. There is an eccentric little girl in the performance. She always claims that she has various diseases, and what she said is very formal and true. And his father ignored what he often saw. She occasionally relied on her demented grandmother lying in a rocking chair to trick the boys from the "expedition" into fleeing, and the sound of the creaking rocking chair with her father opening the funeral home seemed a little scary. She loves her English teacher. She finished her English reading at the beginning of the summer vacation. She read War and Peace at a young age, stole the money from her stepmother’s wagon to report to his poetry tutoring class; she loved her grandmother only by snuggling. She only looked like a child when she was in her body; of course she also loved her father, pretending to be dead, hoping to attract attention, afraid that the new mother would distract her father, and even less caring about her, using the trick of a child to destroy it. In normal times, she and her only friend, Thomas, rode a bike to climb trees and fish. Anyway, I did what I wanted to do when I was a kid.
After that shy first kiss, I thought it would be a story that tends to be gentle. As a result, the plot took a turn for the worse. The little boy died so quietly and suddenly. It turned out that he was not joking about being allergic to everything.
What a gentle little boy, he still remembers the scene of fishing. In order to prevent Vida from seeing that the released fish is dead, he would rather break the scar by himself; he said he was quite an acrobat; he always stayed with Vida inseparably On call; he asked Vida: If you don't marry Mr. Bisler in the future, would you consider me? There is always someone who will pick up the important things you have lost for you, and remember every word you have said and everything you have done, because it is so important to him. If all the goodness can be clicked and stopped. The story of childhood sweetheart and bamboo horse is traditionally interpreted. A few years later when Vida grows up, Thomas gradually grows taller and straighter. She married him. that would be nice.
But at the end of the end, I just gave you the funeral and I didn’t believe you left. I said you didn’t have glasses and you couldn’t see clearly. I just missed you when I was climbing a tree. I just made a poem to commemorate you. I just told your mother that there is my mother. You will have a good time taking care of you in heaven. Even if a tombstone can be built for you, the emotion towards you will gradually fade away like the flowers sent out every year. I have a new friend. I took off my shirt and shorts. I untied my ponytail and loosened my hair. I put on a skirt. I love to talk, laugh and think, but you are no longer there. I am your girl, but I have a new life.
In other words, I am Vida, I would like to say to you one day: sweet heart.

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My Girl quotes

  • Vada: 'Ode to Ice Cream' by Vada Sultenfuss. I like ice cream a whole lot/It tastes good on days that are hot/On a cone or in a dish/This will be my only wish/Vanilla, chocolate, rocky road/Even with pie, a la mode.

  • Vada: [after Vada and Thomas kiss] Say something, it's too quiet.

    Thomas J. Sennett: Umm, ummmmm...

    Vada: [agitated] Just hurry.

    Thomas J. Sennett: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America...

    VadaThomas J. Sennett: ...And to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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