Just kidding: boring questions about '24'

Darion 2022-04-22 07:01:05

For episodes like "24 Hours", my boring questions include: All the characters in it don't need to eat, drink, sleep during this stressful day, and have been focusing on their work all the time. I'm very suspicious that Jack will be with him for a while. The bad guys are fighting, they have to climb a plane for a while, and chase them with a flying car. The battery of the mobile phone used by the characters in the play is really good. It never runs out of power or runs out of power. It never fails to connect to hundreds of calls a day. The US network, satellites, these high-tech stuff It's really powerful, it never fails, no matter how difficult Jack needs to get things every time, CHLOE will upload it to his mobile phone through the network within a few seconds, there is no mistake, if it is replaced by China Telecom or It is a worse radio and television network, which is really bad.

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Extended Reading


  • Chase: Let me be upfront with you, Jack. I look up to you, and I'd even take a bullet for you. Instead, I'm holding a mirror right in front of your face. I know what they did to you when you were undercover with the Salazars. If something goes wrong, I'm always there when you need me.

    Jack Bauer: Mind your own business Chase.

    Chase: Today is NOT the day to prove that everything is okay and this will be a rough day. Get your head straight man, and do what you got to do.

  • Jack Bauer: [to Joseph Prado, after breaking every finger in his hand] This will help you with the pain.

    [knocks him unconscious]