The backstory that the most well-known people don't know

Kayleigh 2022-04-19 09:01:40

The film uses a gloomy, dreary, and slightly terrifying narrative technique to pave the way for the story. In order to create the connection between the characters, the film does not hesitate to use a boring and cheap way to force the relationship between the characters. It is not denied that such an image setting does add a lot to the suspenseful nature of the movie, but in a vague sense of behavior, the movie also misleads our cognition The process not only makes us have no sympathy for the character's behavior, but also has various doubts about the character's self-cognition.

I have to say that Browning's image of a drunk is still very well done, especially judging from her performance, she definitely drank the right amount during the performance to the point where she was about to get drunk, and she tried to restore the drunkenness as much as possible. The feeling of giving up on herself, especially in terms of her various rude behaviors after being drunk, is also a bold performance regardless of her image, which subverts the previous image of a gentle lady, and also gives us a lot of recognition for the role. . It's just that in the plot of the whole film, the repeated close-up expression of the problem of alcoholism has not had much influence on the whole film except to explain Browning's efforts and sacrifices in character portrayal. In particular, the movie is full of all kinds of issues such as cheating, derailment, violence, alcoholism, etc. It is full of dark and negative things. Although these elements make the movie look heavier and more meaningful, the plot has not dealt with so much. Elements make the already dull viewing experience even more chaotic.

As a loser with a broken family, Browning in the movie has been indulging in the fantasy of the good family of the past. She ran to the original home more than once to create panic, coupled with her own original alcohol problem, so that the whole incident looks like It's a mistake that shouldn't exist. Until one day, she saw the existence of suspected cheating on the train, so she started an adventure to find out the truth, and through this adventure, when she discovered the truth of the story, she also found the truth. Going back to the memory of the past, and all these sins originated from the ex-husband who looked serious but was a complete jerk. In the end, when she found herself, she also saved the personal safety of her current wife, I have to say The plot of the movie is so bizarre, complex and logically chaotic. At this level of filming, a large number of stars can still be invited to join. I really don’t know what method the director used to induce these stars. The drama can be made like a thriller and a love movie. It's like a crime movie, and it's like an ethics movie. It's really drunk.

The film revolves around three women, the former and the current lover, the direct relationship is only the former and the current one, and the indirect relationship is the former and the lover, and the most direct fuse is that the former discovered some of the lover. Private matters, but also through the sudden disappearance of the lover to guide the truth behind the whole incident. And the final truth proves that these three people are all victims of the incident, and the former and the current who originally hated each other eventually developed into mutual protection. It has to be said that the movie is so deliberate to build such a complex and changeable plot. The story is nothing more than to prove two points, that is, one: men are not good things; two: women are all victims of men. The repeated emphasis on the female characters in the story shows how women fall into the traps of men. Even if they become the third party of men, they cannot erase her identity as a victim. The film is so laborious The women's voices proved that it can only show that the director's determination as a third party sympathetic to women cannot be ignored, and the script of this movie must also be written by a woman.

As a movie with female characters as the main character, some irrational behaviors can only be done by women, so we see all kinds of lies, deceit and irrationality in the movie, especially those that are hard to let go of the past , the constant entanglement and meddling problems, which are reflected in the protagonist one by one, not only make us male audiences find it difficult to understand, but also feel deeply terrified by this hysterical behavior. There are a lot of good things in life waiting for us to enjoy. We have to get entangled in one thing and lose ourselves and give up on ourselves. It really makes people feel unworthy. I don’t understand why women are so entangled in the gains and losses of their own feelings. I don't know why I have done so many unreasonable things to shame myself, don't I feel ashamed and ashamed at all?

In fact, the fact that the film can finally find out the truth is the result of a mistake. It was originally a very simple thing. The protagonist's dizziness and confusion caused a mess, and it was difficult to control himself. , but he still couldn't control his drinking problem and got drunk. It was because his reason was not sober that the whole incident became complicated and changeable. The cause of the whole incident involved myself. If I hadn’t been drinking and had been sober, the plot of the movie would not have been so complicated and full of uncertainty. It is precisely because of this uncertainty in the movie that the logic of the movie has changed. Disorganized and mired in a quagmire.

Women are really complex animals, emotional, selfish, revengeful, and highly dependent, especially between women and women, and can transfer hatred into the most direct and effective practical actions. However, the attitude towards men is completely opposite, either blindly patient or pressing step by step, only taking these two extremes without any compromise. It has to be said that the rationality in dealing with women can be used in dealing with men. Half of it, there will be no so many violence and crimes, because the two extreme attitudes will only help evil or cause harm, and reason and sobriety are the most important things to be able to accurately judge and deal with things. Women's movies are like this, the logic is chaotic, there is no priority at all, and all kinds of things are random, which makes people stunned after watching, not only let us not know where the focus of the plot is, but also understand the end of the movie. I want to express what it means, but it is still an issue after all, that is, bad men.

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The Girl on the Train quotes

  • Tom: Jesus Christ, Rachel, what the hell is wrong with you? I spent the last hour looking around for you. You scared the shit out of Anna, do you know that? She thought you were gonna... she wanted to call the police. So just... leave us alone. You can ruin your own life if you want to but you're not going to destroy ours. I'm not going to protect you any more.

  • Martha: Tom got fired because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. I felt so bad for you. He's such a bad guy.