Film review of "K-star Stranger"

Jordy 2022-04-23 07:01:29

1. Wow, that's it. After watching a sci-fi movie, I was so moved that I cried to death. After the ending song, the male protagonist looks at the stars in the sky and slowly turns away from the screen, too, how to say it, too romantic. Really romantic.

2. The ultimate in sci-fi is emotion, and the ultimate insight from watching many sci-fi films.

3. I love this setting so much: The greatest thing about people is their feelings, and allowing themselves to be weak. There may be other civilizations that surpass us, and humans will not be the only ones in the universe, but this emotion is a poetic ode to our romantic humanity~

4. Prot is really a warm person, he comes with the light and leaves with the light. Take away the homeless, leave behind those who are nostalgic in the world, and inspire those who have feelings in their hearts. Kevin did a great job, looking at the world with a warm, detached look from the beginning to the end, and the scene of eating bananas and hypnotizing bursts can only be given full marks.

5. The film is really too warm. When all the patients cheered for the hard-won bluebirds, the happiness of normal people living was too moving and harmonious. And when the patient who always said that others stink trembled and said his "disease", prot's gentle eyes told him: it doesn't matter, it will all pass. I actually cried in this scene, the chemistry between K star and the mental patient is too good. I believe he was redeemed the moment prot looked at him when the patient said something that no one understood.

6. The soundtrack in it is amazing. When the classic song came out, I always thought it was a popular science movie (laughing to death)

7. I heard from the teacher before that Foucault's "Madness and Civilization" said a reverse theory. Humans regard those abnormal humans as prophets or people with unique predictive ability when they get up early. When human beings are isolated or even locked in a fixed area, is it possible that the people we think are civilized people are abnormal people in society and are just lunatics? Those people we think are lunatics are normal people? At that time, I thought this theory Very interesting, I thought about it again when I watched this movie today, it is really interesting.

8. I really like the line at the end: Since the universe is expanding and reducing, reducing and expanding, the mistakes everyone makes are repeated in cycles, time and time again. So if I now have the opportunity to correct my mistakes and don't correct them, it will only be the same repetition over and over again, forever. (It’s very romantic, but what if I repeat this time? Hahaha will never change the fact that I want to slap, but it’s okay, as long as I can induce me to change it)

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K-PAX quotes

  • Dr. Mark Powell: Oh, the 6:15 was late. Didn't leave the station till 6:30. Should have caught the nearest beam of light.

  • Prot: We don't have families on K-PAX.

    Rachel Powell: Well, you don't know what you're missing.