[first lines]
Melanie Daniels:
Hello there, Mrs. MacGruder.
Mrs. MacGruder, pet store clerk:
Oh, hello, Miss Daniels.
Melanie Daniels:
Have you ever seen so many gulls? What do you suppose it is?
Mrs. MacGruder, pet store clerk:
Well, there must be a storm at sea, that can drive them inland, you know. I was hoping you'd be a little late because he hadn't arrived yet.
Melanie Daniels:
Oh, but you'd said three o'clock...
Mrs. MacGruder, pet store clerk:
Oh I know, I know. I've been calling all morning. Oh, Miss Daniels you have no idea. They are so difficult to get, really they are. We have to get them from India, when they're just baby chicks, and then we have...
Melanie Daniels:
But this one won't be a chick, will he?
Mrs. MacGruder, pet store clerk:
Certainly not. Oh no, certainly not. This will be a full grown mynah bird, full grown.
Melanie Daniels:
And he'll talk?
Mrs. MacGruder, pet store clerk:
Well yes, of course he'll... well no, you'll have to teach him to talk. My. I guess maybe I'd better phone, they'd said three o'clock. Maybe it's the traffic. I'll call. Would you mind waiting?
Melanie Daniels:
Well, maybe you'd better deliver him. Let - let me give you my address.
Mrs. MacGruder, pet store clerk:
Oh, well, alright, but I'm sure they're on the way... Would you mind if I called?
Melanie Daniels:
No, alright, but...