"I'm not what I thought I was, and I'm not what you thought I was, I'm what I thought you thought I was." ——About time and space and characterization

Jamil 2022-04-23 07:01:40

Let’s talk about the general impression first. There are 6 episodes in total, which are a bit high and low. The plot gradually stretches, and the viewing threshold is a bit high. It seems to have moved into a subversive concept, but it is actually paving the way for the subsequent opening of the second stage of the multiverse. The advantage is that Loki's character is well shaped and excavated, especially Loki's growth process and accompanying inner awakening under the strong pressure of fate and nihilism to search for the truth.

It has to be said that the concept of time and space in the Marvel universe is basically in the same line, and the new album "Loki" has no obvious contradictory conceptual errors. For example, in the previous work "Endgame", we learned from the conversations between Dr. Banner and Rhodes, Dr. Banner and Master Gu Yi that the time and space of the Marvel Universe is set like this: 1. If you do time travel, you can't change it What has happened or is about to happen, because "what has happened must happen, what has not happened cannot be changed". Therefore, time travel will not lead to the so-called grandfather paradox, but a new branch of time and space will be generated. Therefore, after the final battle, the heroes must return the Infinity Stones collected in different time and space to their original positions, otherwise it will trigger a multiverse related event. 2. The Time Administration (TVA) is an existence independent of the multiverse and timeline. You can think of it as existing in the quantum domain, which is set in the Ant-Man series to be undisturbed by the outside universe. 3. The so-called sacred timeline in the drama contains n parallel universes (the evidence is that there are multiple versions of Loki), but TVA's boss, the time manager, the big boss Conqueror Kang, does not allow the sacred timeline to generate branches and give birth to many A timeline, the reason he said himself in the last episode. 4. The sacred timeline is a closed loop, and the name of the character Mobius comes from the Mobius loop, the origin of Kang the Conqueror, and the fate revealed in the drama. 5. Branches of the Divine Timeline may be triggered by unintentional events such as the beginning of Loki, and intentionally triggered by female Loki. If the timeline branch is allowed to develop to the red line, Nexus will not be able to be cut, and TVA will not be the same. 6. The mechanism for female Loki to collect a lot of time and destroy the remaster? Because the time repeater can remake a small period of time and space, she only needs to send a large number of repeaters through the portal to various key time nodes, such as the assassination of Kennedy, and at the same time trigger the time remake to instantly create A large number of space-time branches and even Nexus events, resulting in multiple space-time irreversibility.

Here's a question: why was Loki taken by the Time Administration (TVA) when the other time-traveling heroes were okay? The TVA female judge in the play explained in the first episode: Because in the so-called sacred timeline, the actions of other heroes are based on the script, and all the plots of the previous films are set, but Loki did not According to the routine, being caught is called a "time criminal". The brain-burning point of this show is that the audience and Loki have to judge for themselves which ones TVA says are lies and which ones are credible, because TVA, as the villain, is full of lies.

Based on the above understanding, we can understand it when we look at the plot. The audience was as confused as Loki in the first few episodes. As the most charismatic villain and god of tricks, Loki was just a clown in a big circus managed by TVA? Yes, the dialogues of the characters on the show are all about: nothing makes sense, there is no such thing as free will, free will is the biggest lie, and so on. You think you are making a choice, but in fact your choice is also a written script, everyone is an NPC in a huge cage, just like the receptionist in Westworld, there is a story line arranged, who awakens or deviates from the original The story line will be taken away by TVA and cut out. Our Loki is certainly not the kind of person who accepts his fate. He is increasingly awakened in the plot. He wants to resist and break out of the cage under TVA control, just like Dolores in Westworld. Mobius also gradually awakened in his interaction with Loki, and he said he was looking for meaning. Seeing this, we should also reflect on what is the meaning of our existence? Are our choices our free will?

So at this level, Loki's role is very particular. From his birth to being strangled by Thanos, his character formation is profoundly derived from his living environment. Here, the theory of "self in the mirror" can be applied to analyze his character , The mirror self effect refers to the "mirror self" and the "real self", which was proposed by the American sociologist Charles Houghton Cooley. This theory believes that "a person's self-concept is actually formed in the interaction with other people. A person's self-knowledge is a reflection of other people's views of himself, and self-feeling is determined by other people's thoughts and attitudes towards him. . Simply put, it is me in the eyes of others and who I think I am. Using this theory can perfectly explain the root motives of Loki's rebellious behavior in his life. Because of his background, he is too eager to be recognized, accepted, and cares too much about other people's opinions. This theory is also reflected in real life, such as the most intuitive language of violence! Children who learn well are always praised, thinking that I am really good, and I will continue to work hard to become better. And children who learn poorly It is destined to be criticized no matter what you say, and you can't see the efforts you have made. This child will naturally deteriorate for a long time. The "self-effect in the mirror" points out that everyone's "self-view" is based on other people's "self-view". Formed by interaction. Loki before awakening is such a self-view, "I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am, I am what I think you think I am. "

As for why the awakened Loki finally stopped the female Loki from breaking through this closed timeline and opening up infinite possibilities? Maybe it's because he doesn't want to toss anymore after falling in love with the female version of himself, who knows?

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.