Rocky S01

Benjamin 2022-04-22 07:01:08

E01 looks good! ! !

Loki's Glorious Mission is too miserable
Loki looks back, from mom and dad to brother


Since Loki doesn't think Mobius was created, plus the fact that C-20 is true, I think so too, even I think whether Mobius has a lot to do with motorboats before

Inexplicably think of the clown haha
If Loki does not pursue freedom, it is a so-called glorious mission, which is really sad. I also don't believe that everything is doomed.
The table talk between the two of them was probably my favorite part of E02

By the way, I am very curious, how is the sacred time line determined, why is this one the sacred time line, and the others are not?

Indeed, I feel that the Time Administration is superior.


Loki in this episode is so weak, ridiculously weak. When he talked to Sylvie, how could he falter with words.

Doomsday still look good?


In the end, it was their love that saved them from the apocalypse? ? ?

Sylvie is too bad
Bullshit, it's too much
Loki was stunned when he heard his friends.
Rare friend

Mobius was cut just after having friends. Too bad, others are fine.

Doomed to be lonely?

Why did the last egg Loki go to another place, shouldn't he be cut? (Although I don't think he will die, why did that Lothrael let him go)

Why does Loki have to fight in close quarters at the end of the fight?

E05 looks good! ! !

The child's related incident is that he killed Sol, so he became king, which is inexplicably funny.

It's too awful

I don't understand Lothrael's purpose. I don't understand what plan she has, what is she looking for the big boss for.

The green light that Sylvie encounters when it comes into contact with the smoke is the connection

Betrayal is kind of funny when running for president.

Fuck in the next second
he was smiling
he has friends
They are all friends
Here is their home, here they are no longer alone

In the end, the old Loki built Asgard too much to cry, facing Thanos disguised as a corpse, and facing the smoke alone, how can you say that he is not brave? How much he missed his family and his Asgard when he was in exile.


Is the multiverse war about to begin?

The loss of other people's consciousness makes me so sad, I almost got close to the truth, just a little bit.

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.