Don't read this review, this is just for myself

Jalyn 2022-04-21 09:01:44

Oh well, that was very unexpected. It's like a Loki fan-girl's fever dream combined with a weird sci-fi.

I watched it because I want Loki to have a good ending. The first season ended with a cliff hanger, but the hope for a happy ending is still there. The world-building in this story is wild, and I can only hope that the writters can handle it well in the future seasons and write an ending where Asgard was never distroyed and Loki lives happily with his family. That is the whole point of having to a story that involves multiple timelines, right?

Here is pet peeve of mine. I do not like it when Loki is constantly being punched by almost everyone in the show. When we were first introduced to Loki, he was the prince of darkness, cunning, evil, powerful, charismatic and surprisingly sympathtic . That's the Loki we know and love, the Loki that tells everyone to kneel, not a pathtic punch bag. And yes, gives us the classic green outfit with horns, not that dirty shirt and yellow-brownish jack.

The romance was not convincing, at all. Sylvi sometimes feels too much like a middle schooler's fan fiction self-insert, but that could just be my alergic reaction from a character that I would never expect to have a romance subplot. And the fact Sylvi feels more like the protagonist in a showed titled “Loki” just makes it worse.

I was so hyped by this show after episode one, where we were told that there are two Lokis. I was expecting to see two real Lokis both played by Tom Hiddleston fight against each other and out smart each other in various ways. At the end they secretly work together to bring down the TVA together. That would have been awesome. I still hope that the writters went with that idea instead introducing a new character Sylvi in ​​later episodes and let the plot be carried away.

I do not like the horrible visual style, the 70s aesthetic and weird lightings but those things are not that important in this case.

All that matters is that the writters write a plothole-free story that has a good ending for Loki.

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Extended Reading

Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.