A game of prudent chess: What exactly is 'Rocky' doing?

Vinnie 2022-04-20 09:01:34

Loki is also a very special existence in the time variant. I don't know why, every time the timeline is reset, Loki on each timeline will appear in the main universe (the so-called sacred timeline). That is to say, whether it is because of Schrödinger's cat, or the husband of the time traveler's wife, or the male protagonist who keeps flashing back until he commits suicide by pinching his umbilical cord in an embryonic state, these time aliens can be found on any timeline, any The time branch sprout generated by the era (the era node in linear time) as a demon is reset by the time management causality level | pruned, the timeline is on (this reset node is linear regardless of before or after) Theoretically possible Loki, as long as he happens to come to the earth, no matter and (because the new branch generated by his TA time alien monster is controlled by the Time Authority) to reset the node of the timeline, the time interval is more before and after, Only Loki will "exist" - in terms of space: in Loki's subjective perspective, he is inexplicably bounced to a certain corner of the universe (the Lord, and is actually unfamiliar to a specific Loki). . Why is this happening? Because the screenwriter and the audience are all people from the earth! Why Loki? Because Loki is cute! ! ! PS: Time aliens do not refer to time travelers, but to parallel universe branches generated by time travel (or dead or alive cats in Schrödinger's state), which are reset by the Time Authority | pruned (choose one ) In the universe, among all things that should no longer exist, the things that survived (for example: the Infinity Stones used as paperweights | bookends in the Time Administration should also be some kind of "time alien"). According to this logic, if the cat in the Time Administration in the first episode of this play is really Schrödinger's cat, the trunk of the sacred timeline (main universe) pruned and preserved by the Time Administration should be "The cat died. The world", magically, "that living cat" in the reset world came to the main universe! If the cat was not arrested by the agents of the Time Administration | contained, what Professor Schrodinger accidentally saw would be the corpse of a dead cat, and an equally cute cat! PPS: Female Loki was caught as a child because she was already a "time alien". In the fourth episode of the play, the young daughter Loki is playing "with herself" in the courtyard of Asgard. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (numbered Earth-199999), if it wasn't captured in time (by mistake!) by the agents of the Time Administration, and then stayed for a while and was caught by the main god Odin, who was walking after dinner, Odin Ding must be surprised - this old lady Frigg is teaching Loki cute and messy things! Transfiguration is a magic trick that should be taught to little gods whose divinity is still unstable! ! If I get used to it, and my brain breaks and forgets that I am trapped in the little girl's body, I will shamelessly roar as an almighty father! ! ! I turned the blue-skinned cub into a goddess to cultivate the destined King, not to raise an extra princess. . . no! Go back and ask Madam to do the math again""""! Just kidding, in fact, I mainly want to mention that Time Administration refers to the Marvel Studios that dominated the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. "Giant") is constrained by resource limitations in terms of capital, technology, market acceptance, etc., and can only choose a single universe to plan for the layout - it can't be presented in a very mature commercial manner with a very low production cost like the original comics. The screenwriters have unconstrained cutting-edge technology and conceptual learning results. Success is also Xiao He defeats Xiao He, and the success in the front has become the rut in the back. At a time when the acceptance of the multiverse by a wider range of movie audiences beyond the core audience of Marvel Comics is still unclear, Marvel Studios can basically be said to dare not take a step forward, just like time management in episodes At the slightest sign, it is very Stalinist to "eliminate" by means of authoritarian rule, and the purity of the sacred timeline is sacred and inviolable! (The pseudo-multiverse of "Spider-Man: Far From Home" is a testament to that.) Of course Disney+ (and Disney behind it) is not Marvel Studios, and the "Rocky" series is a further undercut to the market. Cost test. A low budget (actively limited production cost) can actually explain a lot of problems. At the moment when algorithmic special effects technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, it is certainly not computer special effects that can be copied and misappropriated (the second half of episode 3 to avoid the fall of the doomsday meteorite) Long shot, after changing the "skin", it can obviously be used for the play items in Disneyland), just like the new Japanese show - the painting is complicated and gorgeous - the pile of labor is naked and burning money! The fourth episode (equivalent to playing a small boss) is a very important cutscene action scene. Loki and female Loki stared affectionately at the end of the third episode, and even triggered a rapid branching of the timeline that has never been seen before. What is it playing? It's very simple, that is, Marvel Studios (through the streaming media platform Disney+) can be accepted by as many people as possible under what kind of paradigm | routine to simulate the multiverse. In fact, the seniors have long made it clear that in the face of emotions All logical loopholes are not important! (Conclusion by: "The Time Traveler's Wife") Don't make bold predictions, the fourth phase of the Marvel movie will develop towards a more gamified and emotional experience, just like the director Martin Scorsese (literally ironic). ) says that superhero movies are going to be more and more amusement park-like. There's a good chance that in the not too distant future, Phase N of Marvel movies will not be going to the cinema, but going to Disneyland (or some other form of amusement park for the sub-brand) wearing AR, VR or whatever. Wearing the device, a group of people teamed up with the protagonist to hide from the meteorite, bounced off the falling building, or, like the onlookers at the marriage proposal scene, watched the handsome guys and beautiful girls hold hands and offer their blessings with joy. . . Of course, this is all for a fee. The above is based on prophecy.

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.