Why didn't I catch up on my favorite character's solo drama?

Frederik 2022-04-19 09:01:41

‼ ️warning: I don’t have much contact with comics, only fans of the movie universe, with a lot of personal impressions and naysayers

aka Marvel is killing God again


It's the two parts of the Infinity Stones and the movie of life, which made me feel disgusted and left. Really, I've been feeling really angry when I think about it, I don't know why I'm so angry, and I've been thinking about it lately and I seem to finally have a clue. I have always believed that the superhero film itself has an indelible didactic sense, of course, this in itself is understandable. But a group of people who make sacrifices, especially in such a worldview, deserve the respect they deserve, but Marvel doesn't. Not only not, but also make fun of/consume their value (personal films after the characters die, being cued out by personal drama plots to prove their efforts are pointless), pulling them off the altar as stepping stones for younger generations. I'm not saying that the comparison of strength is impossible, or that this kind of R&M-style black humor itself is not good, but putting these into such a heroic universe is a degradation of its spiritual core. Nothing else. The curtain can't even be tragic and solemn, and even after the first generation passed away, it will be taken out and flogged for many years. Thinking about it, it is really funny. Let's talk about the so-called "growth" in the play, talking about the specific role of Loki. His existence is actually very great, he has created a gray area between good and evil, and of course, he has also gained the love he deserves. After the multiverse officially joined the movie worldview, this character should have infinite possibilities. But what did Marvel do? Give him an atmospheric death and dabble in the multiverse to make his stereotypes (like the melee wizard or the cocky comedian) stick more deeply? Insults and PUA-style spurs, I don't think this is the so-called "growth", and even read the condescending teasing of the screenwriter's God from it. The same goes for the Infinity Stones meme, my anger is not at the character who said it, but at the writer, because the character doesn't know what's going on in Loki's universe; but the writer knows, and the writer knows we know. Back to the previous topic. Of course, in the later stage, we did not see more excavation of this gray area, and some were all stereotyped and inexplicable jokes about this character. When will Marvel writers learn that creating humor doesn't necessarily have to offend characters. Later I asked myself, is it impossible to have an image if you are not a hero? Can't you have your own stand and spirit? Ah, it turns out that the hero doesn't have a positive image, so that's fine - what Marvel has done since A4 has always been "killing gods". We can say that this is to break the stereotype of Super League, but the direction of breaking is wrong again and again. They can be sublime, they can have moral problems, but they can't abandon the code that goes against them. The characters that came out like this didn't match the impression I had in my mind, and I didn't even know if it was them or not.

That's it, two stars for Loki and one star for me for the past three years, this drama itself doesn't deserve a single star.

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.